Episode 139: What Your Dietitian Niche Says About You

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Episode Description

In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah chat about what your dietitian niche says about to you. On a lighter note, the girls wanted to talk about some fun, very unserious topics like clinical dietitian personality types or what being a podcaster says about you (we do analyze ourselves ofc). From social media dietitians to dietitian meme accounts, they talk about all things dietitians and more. This is all in good fun! This is purely speculation and there is no science backing up any of our claims. Tune in for all the fun!

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The Beet Deets Bonus Segment

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In this week's bonus episode, Emily and Hannah discuss what your phone alarm says about you. Naturally, they find a way to bring in their childhoods and mental illnesses to break down what their alarms mean. They also discuss what the worst and best ones are. Tune in for more riveting content!

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