Episode 151: Nutrition Tips for Diabetes Prevention with Nijya the Dietitian

nutrition tips for diabetes prevention with nijya the dietitian

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Episode Description

In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah are joined by Nijya to chat all things diabetes prevention and nutrition management. Nijya discuss common nutrition misconceptions about what foods can and can’t cause diabetes development. She also provides practical advice for changes you can make if you would like try to prevent diabetes. Tune in for more and be sure to listen to the bonus question to hear Nijya’s thoughts on the best way to eat wings!

Nijya has a passion for all things Fitness & Nutrition! Nijya is the owner of NK Fitness and Nutrition, LLC, and a Registered Dietitian. Nijya is a two time award winning Registered Dietitian. Nijya is also an adjunct professor leading out in Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle courses. Nijya is a Licensed Dietitian in Ohio and Georgia. Nijya instructs dance and nutrition classes for fitness centers and worksite wellness programs. Nijya has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Athletic Training from Bowling Green State University and a Master of Science in Nutrition, Healthspan, and Longevity from The University of Southern California. Nijya loves helping her clients reach their nutrition and fitness goals!

Follow Nijya: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube: @NijyaTheDietitian

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The Beet Deets Bonus Segment

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In this week's bonus episode, Emily and Hannah discuss what the best way to eat wings is with Nijya the dietitian! The girls discuss favorite styles, restaurants, and the age old debate of ranch vs. blue cheese. Nijya gives some tips on how she makes her perfect at-home wings that Emily and Hannah will 100% be using. Tune in for all the fun!

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