Episode 163: $400k Purdue Lawsuit, Drue Tranquill, and Dropping Out: the Exposed Lives of Dietetics Students

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In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah chat through their lives as juniors in college at Purdue University. From intense classes, lawsuits, classmate drama, they truly chat about it all in a very unfiltered lens. Be sure to watch on youtube to see featured pictures!

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  • 0:08

    Maybe we'll be really hilarious today, I feel.

    Does college promote anti intellectualism?

    Did Curdue make us Dumber?


    That's a loaded question.

    I don't know.

    How to answer that?


    I feel strongly about this because I look back.

    We're for you guys.

    We're jumping right in.

    We're going to talk about our junior year at Purdue.

    But I look back at like our homework assignments and our projects and we say some very smart things that I'm like, I don't think I will ever talk like that again unless I'm in an academic setting.


    No, this is jumping way ahead, but I was looking at the slides for one of our presentations or one of my presentations I did this year.

    I sound so smart.

    I was like, who wrote this?

    Sure as hell was not me.

    Yeah, we're gonna talk about our personal experience as Dietetic students and our little journeys, specifically junior year, a very a big milestone.


    I feel like in the college life, when juniors, when you really settle in and it attacks you and beats you down and makes you have no self-confidence, you know?

    Especially before we get into.

    Yes, before we get into all of that, make sure you subscribe to YouTube.


    We're going to be including lots of pictures from today, so you'll want to make sure you're seeing that.

    And then we have our exclusive content available on Substack where you can get updates from us every time we post and whatnot.

    So without further ado, we'll set the scene and this will age us.


    From fall 2017 to Spring 2018 is where we'll be focusing, which is kind of crazy.

    That's like 8-7 years ago.

    I know, I know the fact that we started college 10 years ago.



    That's insane.

    I like to, I always like to think we're young, but then like COVID really took away three years of our lives.

    So like, I feel like we're actually three years younger than we really are.

    I just had a birthday like a week ago, so that always just is a bit of a crisis I feel.



    And Ross turns 30 this year.

    So does Bobby, right?

    No, Bobby's 30 already.


    Oh, he has the same birthday as like your month?

    That's right.

    That's so.


    He already has crisis.

    Well, he's he's actually still having it.

    He's mid 30 year old crisis.



    I feel like this is gonna be different than ours though, 'cause like, we're really excited about our 30s.


    And I don't know if he was as excited.

    Yeah, we've really hyped it up.

    If the 30s aren't good, we're gonna have to really hype up the 40s.


    I think our 20s have been just like, so rough that we're like, it can't be worse, can it?

    I hope not I.

    Think that's what's got us so excited is just the hope that it can't be worse OK anyway, let's start with the classes we took.


    We have quite an extensive list today we took mostly the same There are a few that we did differ.

    Although we've told you guys before, we always tried to like make our classes line up exactly because that's what friends do in college.


    So we did take two HK classes, which I think it's just so fun and cool.


    So if you guys didn't know, along with dietetics, we also majored in nutrition, fitness and health, which is like the the main difference is it's more exercise focused compared to dietetics, just like hardly any exercise science stuff.

    So this semester we took exercise Physiology one which do we have X Phys 2?


    Also was that like a different semester?

    I think it was.

    But we did take it, though I can't remember.

    I think we did.

    I think we had that older lady as a professor, right?

    Yes, in that weird classroom.


    Yeah, we were.


    It was in an engineering building.

    Yeah, yes.

    I have a very vivid memory of the Krebs cycle on the screen in that building.


    But then we also had health screening and fitness evaluation.


    That was with Adam though, right?



    Shout out to Adam Hufflepuff, he's one of our favorite.

    Teachers I Adam like was one of the realist professors we had, so I love him so much.

    Also I love that he's LinkedIn friends with us.


    That means so much to us.

    He doesn't know he probably befriends everyone, but little does he know we all adore him.

    Yeah, Adam, he has pretty much every certification known to man.

    Fun fact about him.


    I I don't know how he keeps up with all of them.

    He's like an athletic trainer, a dietitian, a personal trainer, strengthening coach, strength and conditioning.

    That's the word.

    Oh my gosh, treat the conditioning specialist.

    He's got got it all.

    I'm like.

    How he also has his Sports Titanic specialist.


    Yes, you're right, his CSSD.

    I'm like how he's.

    Like, not that old.

    He can't be more than like his 40s.


    So probably like in his late 30s when we had him in class.


    Was this is very neat.

    This is so neat.

    He's an icon though, and we love him.


    If you're listening at him, you are one of our favourites.

    I know you're not, but if you are.

    Oh my gosh, the next one.

    HTM 311.

    This is a hospitality torsion management class.

    We did not take this together.

    I don't think so.

    I remember working with my friend or or we were at the same time just on the same class or something.


    This is the one.

    We're like our work hours, counted or no.

    We took an HTM class that we had to do stuff for.

    Or was it a nutrition class that we had to work for?

    I think it was a nutrition class.

    It was, I think it was a nutrition class where like our food service counted.


    This one was the one that was like really hard for no whatever reason, but it was like really the.

    Online one was it?



    But I remember the final was online and not that they're going to take away our transcripts, but I remember working with other people I.


    No, same.

    OK, that does ring a bell.

    I can't tell you a single thing we learned in that class though.

    No, I just remember being really hard for like, what reason I don't.

    Know for no reason, yeah.

    Like really specific random nitpicky details you have to remember, which just just seems like a very Purdue thing to do.


    Yes, especially like in food service, when you actually do the job, you're doing the same things over and over again.

    You learn what you're doing on the job.

    There's no need to like, make us memorize it as 20 year olds who aren't going to use the information unless we actually go into that work field.



    One such a Purdue move kind of similarly, we also had nutrition 3:30, which is diet selection and planning.

    So that one I'm trying to remember.

    I have all of my.


    That was the one with Bailey, right?

    For some reason I remember 330 as her as being hers.

    I think you're right.

    And we also all loved her, thought she was so cool.

    This is so niche.

    This is.

    This is so niche unless you're a Purdue Dietetic student or a Purdue grad.



    Thanks for being here guys, we needed just a chill episode today so.

    Yeah, we've been like really going after everything recently.

    Going through it, we need to, well, maybe it'll come to us eventually.


    We'll have that class on our list.

    So, but up next, we have 332 which is nutrition counseling.

    That was with Rachel, right?

    Yes, that was our very first time, at least I think for me, probably for you 2 learning about like intuitive eating health at every size.


    And of course, we are like, please help at every size.

    We're like, yeah, we're like.


    We're like that doesn't that's not real.

    That can't be.

    Very healthy at every size even though we were completely miscomprehending like what and even meant.


    We are having the same experience as everyone else who hears about it for the first time, I'm pretty sure.

    Yes, it just took learning about it a couple more times for us to be like.

    Like five years of continuing to learn about it.


    Which is why I give some grace to my troll commenters when they are so anti haze.


    I'm like, you know what?

    I was there too.

    We were, we talked about that, right, Our New Year's resolutions, one of mine being more empathetic.

    So that could be good empathetic to the trolls.

    Sometimes they don't deserve it, but sometimes we have to think about where they're coming from.


    Yeah, I got 1.

    I got a comment today from a video from the summer, and they're like, why are you wearing men's shorts?

    Which first of all, I wasn't.

    They're women's.

    There's a little bit longer, but also, who cares?

    Why is that what we are focusing on?


    It's a recipe.

    For like the cucumber, the cucumber like.

    That's what they commented, That's what they had to say about that video.

    And they said, why are you wearing men's shorts?


    Like who cares?


    I this is a men's shirt that I tipped it for like $4.00.

    Why do we?

    Who cares what you're wearing in this day and age?

    This is what we're focusing on.

    And funnily enough, I was wearing a men's shirt but women's shorts.



    Some trolls deserve to be trolled back.

    Others maybe they just don't know better.

    Yeah, this next one, I don't remember.

    Well, actually I do.

    We have the lab.

    I remember the lab.

    Yeah, we had a lab for this class.

    Additional assessment.


    Oh sorry I skipped 1.

    Oh, yes, yes.

    OK, then this next, this one, could we talk about her?

    She she's been fired, right?

    We can talk.

    Let's Google that.

    Also, what's she going to do?

    Even if she hasn't?

    Oh, she's got like a full Google search.


    Oh my gosh, seeing her picture is like sending me into orbit.

    So our next person, it has the date she's born 1952 on Purdue's page.

    She's still on Purdue's faculty page.


    Interesting after the incidents that have happened.

    Oh my gosh, this is crazy.

    Well, you know, I, we're never, I don't, we're not going to burn bridges.

    But wait.


    She also is on San Diego State University's website.

    She moved there after Purdue kicked her out.

    Distinguished Research Professor.

    CV Yes, 48 pages.


    Oh my.


    Wait, like a cover letter?

    Yeah, but it's also listing every single thing like 1973 TA Oregon State.

    Oh, this is.

    So I'm going to deep dive into this.


    She's also on IU School of Medicine website.

    Does she just like hop around?

    No, there's no way.

    She went to San Diego State after Purdue for sure, but now she's in she has her own LLC.

    What in Colorado Springs she T her cell phones on?


    Is this your actual cell phone, Miss Ma'am, 'cause you should not have this on the.




    Have we?

    I said her name.


    This is Connie Weaver, for those of you who may know who that is.

    And remind me and everyone else 'cause I have the worst memory lately.


    I just like I need to go to therapy for this I think so I have no memory of anything unless someone like reminds me of it as you.

    Block it out.

    I really do like my childhood's gone.

    Most of college is gone unless you remind me of something.

    What did she get fired for?



    What was the lore?

    What happened?

    I don't remember if this is officially what got her fired, but it got her in a lot of trouble.

    Was the camp dash program at Purdue?

    It was like with the like, like young minors, I think ranging from like elementary to like middle school, maybe even like early high school.


    And essentially it was advertised as like a like, oh, send your kids to this camp and they can learn whatever.

    I don't know what they're learning, but it was essentially like a like more so let's dump off like maybe neglected kids who their parents don't want to take care of.


    There were issues with bullying, there were issues with sexual harassment and like issues were like the counselors were getting harassed from the like these counselors are like college students who are just like trying to make some extra money.


    It's almost like an RA situation.

    They were on the floor with the kids and the Reds halls.

    Weren't they like Dietetic students usually?

    I don't know if they were, they probably had some affiliation with like the nutrition program though.


    Yeah, OK.


    But, and all of us got reported to her like shut down the program.

    These kids are like, like, there's only so much these counselors can do.

    Like they're, they're essentially like romanticized, like babysitters.


    And like there were kids like literally like flashing them and like taking pictures.

    And she did not shut down the program.

    And she like did not and to to my knowledge, did not acknowledge any of this happening.


    And there was like, I think the Exponent wrote about it.

    I think there's an Exponent article somewhere out there.

    Maybe we'll link it.

    This is all coming back to me.

    I forgot about all of this.

    Oh my gosh, Purdue and IU pay $400,000 in child law child study lawsuit February 2024.



    In 2017, former professor of nutrition science Connie Weaver kicked off a month long research.

    Program on the.

    News Campus hoping to study the eating habits of boys.


    Voyeurism, sexual harassment.

    There was rape.

    What, ages 11 to 15, boys and girls.


    You kind of stopped saying that.

    This is crazy that literally less than a year ago this article comes out $400,000 lawsuit and we were like experiencing it in like live time hearing about this happening.

    She was our professor.

    Yeah, we were like, why was this handled so poorly?


    Wait, there's like, oh gosh.

    I'm like reading the specifics.

    Go down to chaos and camp dash.

    That's that's where I'm at.

    And read the second paragraph.

    It stands out.

    Oh my gosh.

    Oh my gosh.

    There were weapons.

    This is like, crazy what we heard about.


    Yeah, but like we knew it was bad still.

    And we were like, why was this not shut down?

    And the fact is being talked about seven years later, six years later.

    Wish somebody had to go to the hospital.

    I think I knew that.



    Yeah, 'cause all we heard was like rumors.

    We didn't really have any inside sources.


    Except for like maybe some like fellow classmates who were kind of involved in it, but they didn't actually like, work for her or anything.


    This is crazy.

    Here we are like 7-8 years later.

    A rough first starting opening line though.

    Former professor, nutrition science Weaver.

    I wonder if she has that in her cover letter.


    Actually, let me look.

    No, I think she does.

    She does.

    Can't ancillary studies to camp dash International Oh, she was granted $135,000 of grant funding for that I.


    Forgot about that part too.

    Yeah, she got a ton of money for it, and then it got shut down.

    This is kind of interesting to see the amount of money she gets for grand different grants. 3.8 Oh my God Oh my God she got three that remember her obsession.


    OK, you guys, this is so niche this.

    Is so niche.

    We're just airing out our grievances at this point.

    Remember how?

    Obsessed with blueberries, she was.

    Oh my gosh, yes.

    Like that's all I took away from Life Cycle Nutrition was she was obsessed with blueberries.


    And the reason being, from 2014 to 2019, she received a grant of $3.8 million for to study berries and bone for the NANIH.

    Wow, no wonder she was obsessed.


    She got almost $4 million worth of money to go study berries and Bonehill.

    I mean, yeah, I would talk about anything for that much money.

    It should be like everyone recommend blueberries to everyone.

    Like what?

    I mean, I love a good blueberry.

    They I don't know if I love it that much.



    But if you're being paid millions of dollars to talk about blueberries that much?

    Wow, this is crazy that this is.

    I can't believe there's an article last year that came out about this.


    And here we are.

    I'm in shock, I'm in shock, I'm in shock.



    Well, she did teach this class for us.

    Life cycle nutrition.

    Not our favorite class.

    No, I don't remember having a fun time.

    I just don't.

    I don't like peeds at all.

    Same I don't care about peeds now like one they're like there's more complicated to me.


    It's so easy to get.

    Myself, we know so little about them from like an ethical standpoint of like evidence, like gathering them, especially like neonatal.

    Oh my God, I get so stressed about that.

    No, but all I remember is everyone should be eating blueberries.


    Unless you're a baby.

    Unless you're a baby, but as soon as you can tolerate it, start beating them blue.

    Give them the blueberries.

    Wow, I totally forgot about all the Connie Weaver drama.

    That like really just like, scarred me.


    It's crazy, 'cause we, like you said, we were there at that time that she was like on her way out because and she.

    Was like, and we like, didn't she have to like step down from department head?

    And we were like, oh, and then she and then she focused so much on teaching us about blueberries.


    That was like all she like had was her $3.8 million grant bones and blueberries 'cause she was gone by the end.


    Moving on next one, nutritional assessment.


    This is the one that we have the lab, yes.

    This thing is kind.

    Of a long lab I feel like.

    It was like two or three hours.

    Yeah, Did we do a lot of like computer lab time for this one too?

    I remember doing a lot of skin fold assessments.


    I do remember that and like heights and weights and stuff.


    But I'm also thinking about like the food recalls we did and like that one program I used to like calculate calories.

    And everything.

    I still don't think I was using that right.

    I think I was just making stuff.

    Up no.

    That website was so confusing and not at all what you use in real life as a dietitian.


    No, it was like not user friendly for something that should have been very user friendly.

    And it like wasn't like we were dumb.

    It was like not a well made program.

    Yes, this was the classic though.

    Like Dietetic student who probably has an eating disorder has to count their calories for a week.


    Yeah, and we have to calculate it and find a specific brand and and.

    Obsess over it.


    And then throw.

    In our throw in our BMI.

    Mm hmm.

    That like probably did some damage to him.

    I think about how much like wait quickly.


    Sorry, exercise Physiology had a lab, right?

    There was a lab.

    There was an exercise.

    There was an HK class.

    I had a lab because I'm bring it to this.

    Like how much?


    Traumatized me to like constantly be doing skin folds, constantly be measuring ourselves and like I and I remember doing the aerobic like bike test and like you have to volunteer.


    And I remember feeling so terrible because one, I was not exercising regularly at all besides my little class, which we'll get to.

    I was not taking care of myself in any way because I was literally just trying to survive with our classes and all of our our work and volunteer.


    And I remember we were with like HK majors and they were all like so fit and like their oxygen depletions were like so good.

    And then I hop on there and I'm like struggling to maintain the like minimum RPM and I'm like.


    That was intense though.

    I remember that being very intense.


    And then like there was the test at the end where like, you had to do it to someone and then someone had to do it to you or you're like taking them through like the step test or like, Oh my gosh, I, Oh my gosh, I have such a distinct memory of this.


    And it was such a bad thing for someone to tell a little old Disord eating Emily where they were doing the skin folds and they took it off my thigh and it was like whatever was huge.

    And they, like, did the calculation and they're like, OK.


    And I remember my poor guy, 'cause you have to, like, do it both ways, right?

    And this was the time I was volunteering to be the subject.

    And this poor guy, like, did not want to be mean to me.

    He's like, you're like categorized as overweight but like.

    You have obese thought.


    But he's like, but it's not that bad.

    And I'm like literally sitting here like.

    Meanwhile he has like a 2% body fat.

    He's like this.

    Tiny little guy and I'm like just it's I was like it's literally I don't like I did care, but I'm like, I don't need you to console me.


    It anything you say is not going to make me feel better.

    It's only making it worse.

    But there was so much we did that like.

    Constantly thinking about our bodies and food choices.

    Yes, and I'm like no wonder we're so messed up.

    It took us years to unlearn this.


    Like still having issues occasionally like you.

    I feel like you never really completely heal from it, but like the nutrition assessment with us measuring the calories and then exercise Physiology in front of your whole class.

    You're sweating on this bike just trying.


    To like, and you had to like wear like clothes that you could do your skin fold test on and like we had to like do the heart rate monitor like on our upper like ribs.


    We were like half naked in that class Most of the time, yes.

    And then you had to like go on and be normal for the rest of your classes.


    Yeah, this is like 10:00 AM middle of the day, and then you have the rest of your day to do.

    Yeah, I.

    Forgot about the like cycling and stuff that was the.

    Lab really stressed me out.

    Yeah, same.

    I was mostly intimidated by all the gym Bros and gym girlies, so I was like, they all want to be athletic trainers and I'm like, I want to be a sports dietitian.


    See how that turned out.

    I remember our TA, or maybe we weren't, was in class that time.

    I think we had different classes.

    There was one of these labs.

    We were different.

    I know.

    Yeah, I have.

    We're still mutual Instagram friends.

    My TA for that class for that Instagram.


    Well to be fair, we asked.

    We also both went to the gym and he was super big into powerlifting so we never like became like real friends, but we knew each other from that lab and also in the gym setting too.

    We're always there at the same time.

    It's true though, like most dietitian or Dietetic students, they got just just a little inkling of disorder eating if not more.


    It's hard not to.

    You know Brian.

    Sullivan shout out to him.

    He was mine.

    Wait, maybe that was mine too.

    That name sounds so familiar.

    I feel like you had a different semester than me or a different time.

    Maybe he did.

    I had a different time 'cause I remember I was with Phoebe.


    This is all.

    No one cared.


    One cares about any of them.

    We're just recording a conversation we would have like on our own time and trying to make content out of it.

    Brian Sullivan, HK 368.


    Exercise Physiology.


    But he also taught the lifetime fitness class.

    I had his emails on here.

    Maybe we should e-mail him.

    I could just get him.

    Also him and I would always like nerd out in class about pop tarts being the best pre workout snack.


    Why do I remember that?

    I don't know why I remember that, but they are because they've got simple carbs, a surprising amount of sodium.

    You would not know how much soda is in Pop Tart.


    And so we'd always talk about like as a class.

    I found him on Instagram, followed by dietitian Hannah.


    Oh yeah.

    OK, this was not him.

    So he does not look familiar to me.

    Anyway, let's move on to our next.

    These are oh shoot, these are the next.

    This might have been one of the most traumatizing classes.


    These next three classes actually tore me to shreds.

    OK our next one was macronutrient metabolism.

    So did we do micro after this?

    I think you, I think we might have done micro senior here.

    Huh, OK, I don't know why.

    I think we did micro first, although it probably was harder than macro.


    Yeah, yeah, I think it was not that macro was easy.

    Oh, I was looking through my old pictures today because, well, doesn't matter why it was, it's a long story, but I was like scrolling way back, oh to find pictures for this episode, that's why.

    And I found our drawings we had to make for this class.


    I have a confession.

    I don't know about you, I never asked you this, but my drawings were not original.

    Oh, I did do that, yeah.

    OK, OK, You've already confessed that to me.


    I'm now confessing all of my academic dishonesty.

    I got my transcript and we were all doing it.

    So not that that makes it OK, but where was I going to whip that out of?

    Did you do yours and as you say, you do?


    Yours so I think so.

    I I hated how difficult they were, but I low key really enjoyed like the organization of it and getting to like put things together.

    That was kind of fun for me, but the stakes were too high for it to actually be enjoyable.


    I was gonna say, I feel like it was just so, so for people, I don't know, we had to draw a map of like carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism, fat metabolism and like all the different processes and like cycles and connect them together.

    I remember just feeling so overwhelmed that I was like, I think.


    I still have it.

    I kind of want to go look and see if I have it in my closet right here because they're so intense.

    I also.

    Don't think I did well this year at all in school.

    This was a really hard year.

    Like you said, we kind of like really started getting into like the the nitty gritty, like real intense nutrition stuff.


    Let me I'm gonna I'll share these with us so we can put pictures on the screen.

    I found my pictures of my pathways triggering, but also looking back now, I'm like, I could probably make this.

    I mean, I couldn't make it verbatim like what just memory right now, obviously, but like it would feel so much easier to make this now, which I know is what happens when you get older and smarter.


    See what I mean though?

    Like we?

    We know.


    This isn't well actually this middle section is kind of stressing me out all these.


    Yeah, yeah.

    Like it makes sense and I'm like, oh, where's stuff going?

    I just think it would feel easier to make it now we wouldn't be able to do a memory or anything.


    Yeah, OK, This is not as bad as I thought it was.

    It's just all the like, making sure every single enzyme is there like it's how do they even know this is right?


    Like maybe they just.

    Look for the main things and they're like, yeah, but also in pretty fashion.

    That's not how they grade things.

    They probably took off 1/8 of a point if we missed 1 ATPI.

    Was also looking through my M&T notes because of my new job position.


    M&T Grading.

    I was getting so mad all over again.

    I'm like an eighth of a point, this PES statement, like that's perfectly fine.

    I would totally put in my notes now like.

    I hated PES statement.

    OK, we should say thanks for saying medical nutrition therapy also knows M&T.


    We took it senior year, but Hannah is refreshing on her M&T because she's taking on a new position recently and our professor was graded so harshly.


    It was most of the TAS, but they had to of course follow the professor's.


    I mean, I think she also enjoyed, she kind of said at one point she enjoyed seeing us suffer.

    So we're like, OK, but we literally get like an eighth of a point.


    So you'd get like an 8.25 or like it was like 8.425 or something.

    There's like 1000 points up for grabs at the end of the day because there was just so much work to be done.

    Also the PES statements, why were they so strict about those?


    I literally throw anything together now and no one cares.

    No, no one cares.

    Mine are sometimes just.

    I'm grasping at straws just to put one in the note.

    It's like the most generic things, like, yeah.

    Yeah, yeah, I use also the same ones over and over and over again.


    Another thing is they like got mad at you if you use the same one.

    I was like.

    No, especially in your case where you're in a very niche.

    They're all gonna be the same.

    They're the same.

    It's like in my weight management days, we didn't do PES statements then technically, but it was always the same PES statement if we did use one.




    Lesson learned, like we always say in these episodes for the students listening is don't take it too seriously.


    I mean, do your best, set goals for yourself, but at the end of the day you'll become a dietitian and it won't really matter that much.


    No, this next class was this.

    Tongue mapping lady or a different?

    Lady Yes, this was tongue mapping.

    Lady, She was blonde.

    Oh, what was her name?

    Let me bring up the syllabus.

    I thrived in this class.


    You did 'cause it was chemistry.

    That's true.

    I did just find in my pictures.

    Cordelia running.

    Cordelia and I always think of Anna.

    Didn't Anna have beef with her too?


    Had so much beef with.

    She had her aunt done as awesome.


    She must have had a rough go of it the last couple years.

    Anna also like, antagonized people, yes.

    Let me show you what I just found in my photos right before it's all of it's all of our like lab stuff from this class.

    Yes, I did not like this class.


    Although my partner, my lab partner is going to be so random.

    She is married to Drew Tranquil, who plays for the Chiefs.


    Your lab partner.


    Her last name is Tranquil now, but it was shoot.


    I forget her maiden name, but it's Jackie Tranquil.

    Is her name now married to Drew Tranquil?

    Well, she's a lot of Instagram followers.

    Your husband's famous.

    I want to be rich.

    I know, and he actually went OK, so he went to school.


    How'd they meet?


    OK, They're from where I'm from.

    They're from Fort Wayne.

    Both of them.


    So they went to school together.

    I'm pretty sure before college he went, he did not go to Purdue.

    He went somewhere else.

    I forget where, but when they were in high school, I was also in high school and me and Drew went to the same like sports conditioning place for athletics, for high school athletics.


    Oh my gosh.

    Yeah, so I'd always see him there.

    This is when he was in high school football.

    Obviously really good because he plays pro now for the Chiefs, but like he was like a big deal then and everyone was like obsessed with him because he was a Fort Wayne legend.


    Wow she very much gives off like mommy influencer vibes.

    Yes, she was the one I did my carrageenan stuff with.

    Remember that?


    Oh yes.

    That was my like main project for this class was studying carrageenan and she was my partner for all of that.


    So we made so much whipped cream together.

    Was she a good partner?

    Yeah, she's pretty good.

    I think she, like, knew she wanted to be a football mom.

    You know she's not.

    In 2017.

    She got engaged like right before our lab started, so she had this like beautiful ring she's always talking about, like going to visit Drew.


    He went to, did he go to Notre Dame?

    Oh, he.

    Went to Notre Dame?

    Yes, that's what it was.

    He went to Notre Dame, Oh.

    My gosh, she was a KKG.

    I'm really diving into this girl's life.

    I know again, this is so niche.

    The fact no one's going to care.

    Do anyone here?


    Does anyone even know Drew Tranquil?

    I don't.

    Know I'm going to make the title.

    Hannah worked with an NFL wife.

    Wow, OK, yeah, we could really pull some strings here.

    We just got to focus on one thing.

    We'll find a way.

    I will say this is me being very kind of bratty.


    We spent a whole semester together and she'd never followed me back on Instagram.

    Oh, that would make me mad.

    Like we had to like text each.

    I don't know if we texted, but we messaged each other.


    I don't think I have her number.

    Like we were always working together.


    Yeah, we were always working together the whole semester.

    But she, she was too cool for me.

    I have beef with her for that reason.

    She's very nice and I'm glad she's having a great life.

    But also remember that girl?


    Oh my gosh, I could not tell you her name.

    I love how Eva we're now name dropping in the past we would like take it out.

    Now we're just like.

    I know, I know.

    She didn't follow me on Instagram.

    She was not listening to this so.

    No, she's off being an an influencer.



    And she, she really was.

    RK Junior.

    Oh, I take back what I said.

    And JD Vance.


    I mean, Drew is very much like very religious.


    Maybe it's for the best.

    Did you unfollow her?

    Yeah, I think so.

    I was.

    Going to say you don't still follow her.

    You're waiting for the follow back.

    Yeah, or I was just getting annoyed with her perfect picture life.

    And I was.

    Like OK, before you say this, she follows an account called the AI Bible Official.


    What is?

    I need you to look at this immediately.

    Oh OK, here let me give you screen sharing.

    Oh my.

    Oh my gosh.

    OK, you should be able to share.

    Everyone go in his room right now but I'm going to show Hannah right now.

    Their bio just says we use AI to glorify God.


    Oh, this is creepy.

    Oh oh oh you're going to be glad you suck around guys.

    You came for the random niche junior year content and this is crazy.

    AI Dragons and angels.



    Oh, I was not a very good Christian.

    I don't know what any of these things are.

    I like the phrase biblically accurate.

    Who's who's excited for Jesus to come back and slay this thing?

    What these exist?


    I mean they are biblically accurate, which how accurate is that?

    I love deep diving, This is why whenever possible I always hide my following.

    Like who I follow.

    Not that I'm following suspicious things, but things like this.

    It's people like us that are now diving into this.


    I did not realize she followed RFK and JD Advance.

    Did she follow Trump?

    I guarantee Trump's in there.


    Didn't see him on there.


    I can search.

    She follows.

    Oh, she does.

    She follows Ivanka, Donald and first lady M Trump.


    Wow, OK, well she was very nice to me, but we have different paths that we ended up with.

    But still at the time being not following someone back on Instagram, I know.

    That's kind of crazy, so much time together.


    I think she just.

    She's too good to me.

    Which is my segue into the other girl.

    Her name was Eva or Ava.

    I forget her last name but I think she was like a few years older than us but we were in nutrition 245 together and she's the one that I told that I wanted to like try my hand at bodybuilding and she told me I didn't have the right body for it.


    I remember, I remember you telling me that and I was like, what?

    Yeah, she told me I would never be successful at it 'cause I don't have the right body type.

    Which I mean, to be fair, she's 100% correct, which is the problem with the bodybuilding phase.


    My name is Eva Something.

    Oh my God.

    OK, I need to get off of social media.

    Sorry, I checked.

    Did you see the the new Berkeley?

    Did you see the new Berkeley bag?

    No, I'm showing you this immediately.


    Hold on.

    You guys.

    Everyone, everyone doesn't know we are Brixley's biggest fan.

    They just posted this a bag.

    Scary besides my free totes.

    Look at this.

    How did you come up with this?

    This is.

    So cute the lettuce and strawberries and I don't know what this a flower.


    A little flower.

    This is I'm like.

    This is so cute.

    Oh, she's the cutest bags.

    I want like so many of them.

    Right now there's not one that I dislike, actually.


    Anyway, Eva, if you're out there, my body's the same and probably worse in your opinion, so take that.


    And I'm happy with it.

    Come at me, enjoy that pro card that I'll never get.


    OK we literally have one class left.

    Any other notes on food chem?

    No notes.

    Oh, except for I remember I would come from my little exercise class, which we're not going to get too much into that, and I'd be sweaty and I'd come and sit in class next to you guys.

    I felt so bad.


    OK, do your thing first talk about your class, fitness class.

    So I think I had something I need to fill.

    I needed to fill or I was just like you took.


    I was like, I don't think I would have taken it for fun 'cause I would not have taken more classes than I needed to.


    But I took this little like fitness class and it was low key kind of fun where it was like an hour every morning or three times a week at 7:30.

    And I just, we'd go to the gym, we'd do these little jump rope drills, ladder drills, push up drills.


    And it was kind of cute.

    And I remember there was a, there was a nutrition section.

    I was like this is the easiest thing in the.

    That's right.

    You like blew through that fire.


    But it was literally just like it was literally gym class.

    That's so cute for college kids.


    Yeah, it was kind of fun.

    I actually like really enjoyed it.

    That was so cute, I totally forgot about that.

    But then, like, I'd have to go on to my life and like, I'd remember I'd be running to our lab, yeah.

    And I'd already be sweaty and like, sorry guys.


    Yeah, well, I don't remember you being stinky, if that tells you anything.


    Well, that's good, I.

    Think you're good?

    And I feel like Anna would have said something.

    Anna 100% would say something.

    She's that kind of friend you want because she will tell you exactly how it is.


    She's so blunt.

    So honest.

    OK, very last class, this one was just me.

    Emily took it senior year, so we'll have her experience in our episode about senior year.

    This was my least favorite class of all time.

    I would take M&T over and over and over again before redoing this class.


    This class traumatized me so much.

    I like even right now, I'm having a visceral reaction.

    My heart is beating really fast.

    Like this class caused me so much stress.


    So this was the title of the class was Topics and Nutrition, Fitness and health.


    So you only took it if you were a double major.

    If you were just dietet, you did not take this class.

    Which and a lot of people dropped out because.

    This almost turned me.

    This almost turned me away because it was so bad.

    So we had to like, it felt like you were getting a PhD, but like in a very short period of time, you had to like pick a subject.


    And basically you spent the full semester studying that and the final project, like this final thesis presentation you had to do.

    And we also had to do, I forget the name of it, but we had to do also like a short version also where we had to like.

    Yeah, there was like a 3 minute.



    Thesis or something.

    And then like a 30 minute presentation with 20 minute Q&A.


    My gosh, yes.

    The Q&A and Doctor Campbell, the professor, would like Q.

    And A was like the worst part.

    Yeah, him and the Tai was also scared of the TA.


    He freaked me out.

    Who did you have you have different?

    Someone different than you I did not have Oh.

    I had Gavin.

    Yes, I I know that we liked yours better than mine.

    Mine kind of.

    Was yours in Jim bro?


    No, he was like tall lanky dude.

    Was it Josh?

    Josh, it was Josh.

    Everyone loved Josh.

    Oh yeah, everyone loved Josh and I thought he was a creep.

    Well, he was flirty and yeah, maybe you were right.


    You saw through that.

    Everyone was egging that on.

    No, he wasn't flirting with me.

    He was flirting with all the other pretty girls in the class.

    And so I caught on to it.

    I'm like, you're a creep, you're here to do a job.


    Anyway anyway also OK my presentation title makes me cringe looking back.


    Let me read it to you guys.

    OK so I'm my whole thing was about gestational diabetes, which is when you have diabetes while pregnant, which is so random.

    I don't care about pregnancy or babies like I was going.

    To say you didn't.

    I think I was really grasped because straws here I could not figure out on top of the life of me.


    But my title was the effects of nutrition and exercise Interventions on overweight and obese women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.

    Basically what I found was if you eat quote UN quote healthy and exercise you can improve your blood sugars.



    But also a safer subject.

    Maybe not the title but like it was like well known that the professor did all of his research in protein which like I've all the Jim Bros and everyone wants to talk about protein.


    People are still talking about protein.

    So like you purposely would want to do something that's not protein focused cause like he'll literally attack you and everything you know about protein metabolism.

    Doctor Cable does not give 2 flying shits about women with gestational diabetes so.


    That was like, OK, yeah.

    I was so nervous, like that was the most stress I've ever been in my entire life.

    I was like an anxious mess for that presentation.

    Because of the time.

    I still don't love public speaking, but I've gotten a lot more comfortable with it just obviously during the podcast and like my work and stuff like that.


    But back then I was so terrified of public speaking.

    Yeah, this is like our first like really big presentation by yourself.

    We were also graded on being within the time.

    Like it was very.

    Like within seconds, like if you were off by like 1520 seconds, you already were getting deducted points.


    And it was like that also for the three minute presentation where like if you were like 10 seconds off, you got to like deducted points.

    Yeah, I remember afterwards, me and Sophie and Phoebe, because we were all in it together.

    We went to Lavazza Coffee to just like study or whatever.


    And they told me that my outfit was really cute and my makeup looked pretty because we'd like, get all dressed up for the presentation.

    And I started bawling my eyes out in Lavazza Coffee because I was so stressed out there being so nice to me.

    I was like, thank you so much.

    That literally sums it up so well though.


    Yeah, it was one of the most stressful things.


    And it wasn't random, right?

    You knew when your.

    You knew when your week.

    Was, I think so.

    And I think I tried to go as soon as I could to get it over with.


    So I want to just like forget about it by the end, but it was like weeks because you had the whole class like you were the class period, like you presented the entire class period.


    Everyone was just focusing on you, and everyone would.

    You were in a group, and you'd hope your group members would throw you some easy questions.

    Yes, and we had to write articles to go along with it.

    That was the other thing.

    Our articles were so long and so.

    I remember there was like a big manuscript or something we had to write.


    And I remember staying up till like 4:00 AM and all of us were in the computer lab also writing this huge manuscript till 4:00 AM.

    And I remember like, I don't think I did well on it.

    I'm pulling mine up.

    I wonder how many pages this this bad boy is 18 pages not as bad as I thought?


    Here's this.

    My other topic I was gonna do was caffeine ingestion on like muscle growth, but there was not a lot of research there.

    Yeah, so I have.

    Tons of articles in my files about maternal obesity.


    I'm looking at my writing and I don't write that differently from this.


    Like even now you mean.

    Yeah, yeah.

    So I don't think it's, I don't think I've regressed that much.

    No, like I like I was saying with the the flow sheets things like we're like a different kind of smart now, but we could do what we did there.


    Probably whip this out if we need to.


    This Now we get to just like, use our intelligence on things that actually matter.

    Real life application.

    Exactly with real life people.

    I will know and you might disagree with me on this, but this is because we've I I don't know if you knew this.


    This is touching a little bit more into senior year.

    I like loved his exams because they were short like they were handwritten.

    Oh, that's right.

    I like literally senior year cause for whatever reason that's what I decided.

    I need to figure out how like why I'm not learning properly like three years too late.


    I like literally like went to like caps, the psychology and counseling center.

    I went to the disability center.

    I like sought out help everywhere and they figured out that my anxieties got so bad during exams I'd black out.


    Oh my gosh.

    Like I legitimately like would not remember what happened and what would I remember?

    This happened so many times because I like the short answer because I can just write out my thoughts.

    I'm so bad at multiple choice because I'd get like I'd little.


    I could not tell you how many times I wrote the answer down 'cause I'm like I would not look at the answers.

    I'm like OK this is what the answer should be.

    Wrote the answer and somehow still selected the wrong thing.

    That's crazy.

    Like I actually have some type of, I don't know if it's a disability or like what.


    Some kind of processing disorder?


    Yeah, but there was also an I remember this happened on multiple M&T exams.

    So, you know, at the end when Donna would put like all those like back-to-back to back to like AB whatever, like very short answer, I remember I blacked out and I got one of them slightly off.


    So all of them were off.


    And I was like and 'cause I started like seeing her almost like weekly, 'cause like I was.


    To figure out like, I'm so bad at these exams, what's happening.

    And I'm like, you could see what's happening.


    You can see I know what I'm talking about.

    It's just I can't take exams.


    So I'm like, thank God.

    So I loved his 'cause you just had to write your thoughts and I didn't have anything tripping me up.

    It just, OK, it like proves that the same morning style.


    Yeah, it doesn't apply to everybody and it doesn't make you less intelligent if you're not good at college.

    Yeah, but they, like make it such a big deal at Purdue that if you're not a good student in terms of like your grades, then you're not going to make it.

    Yeah, me with my like, I got AC in one class at least every single semester and I'm like out here wondering if I'm going to get a diatetic internship.


    Yes, which was literally a risk that could have happened because that's just how it is.

    Unfortunately I just read this is so random but Allie Hazelwood's love on the brain where the side quest is like the whole GRE thing then like bashing on it.


    Yeah, yeah.

    I was like, yeah, preach.

    Like this is so stupid, shut it down.

    Standardized testing just needs to like go Yeah, it is not a good evaluation of someone's intelligence.


    Or like their ability to work in the field, or to get into a master's degree or a PhD or whatever.


    We haven't even gone over our pictures yet.

    I was going to say we don't have that money because as the years go by we have less pictures together because we're too busy dying.

    I actually only have like 3 or 4.

    Oh no, that's so.


    Sad I have a whole collection of food chemistry pictures.

    That's very telling of what the year was like.

    Yes, but we I don't think it was our class.

    Wait, we weren't partners then, right?

    No, 'cause I had Jackie.

    Oh well, then I don't even need to include these.



    I'm taking them out.

    OK, wait, do you have anything else before we go into this?

    No, let's wrap it up with some cute pictures.

    OK, it's like really stressed me out talking about testing again I.

    Actually know I actually.

    Hate testing so much.


    Doctor Campbell's class from your test taking is my public speaking.

    I it makes me want to die.

    Yeah, so this is just a cute pic because we're so cute.

    I love our exaggerated side parts.


    That's what I really focus on.


    Oh my gosh, the side far.

    Over that is like as time goes on it slows, moves over and over.

    But like, this is crazy.

    I don't know why we thought that looked better than a middle part.

    Everyone else was doing it.


    Yeah, literally.


    And also, I don't know where we are.

    It's a bike.

    It looks like a engineering building.

    Maybe this is from like on the go or?

    I'm sure it's on the go and you probably got it for me.

    Poor cute, you look like a child.


    That's yeah, that's a pubescent.

    You don't have one.

    Like you literally look like you came out the womb.

    No, there's not a wrinkle insight, not even like a.

    No stress marks.

    There's no.

    There's no bags.


    That's crazy.

    Yeah, there's some.


    OK, moving on.

    This is one of my.

    Favorite melts?

    Why do I look like I'm 14 years older in this one?

    'Cause we're studying, it's crazy.

    Can we talk about how crazy this is?


    We were in that new, that new building that open.



    I was like, I was supposed to say worldly.

    I'm like, that's not right.

    And there was a random conference and they're like, do you guys want some new food?

    Like, do you want free food?

    Hell yeah.

    There's like sandwiches.


    And it was like a random Saturday or.

    Something chips.


    And bagels and fruit and juice.

    And coffee.

    I forgot about this.

    We weren't eating like kings like this is.


    This was so exciting for us.

    That was a good day.

    This was such a good day I couldn't tell you one of our we did.

    But I think we're just studying.

    It's one of our few weekends that we were both on campus.

    Yes, and we got free food out of it.

    Wow, these are scones.


    That was so great.

    Wow, I wish that happened all the time.


    Really did not hesitate.

    No, we took everything we like, walked out of there with five plates and drinks.

    Like did we do multiple trips like?

    That's what I'm thinking, like how do we carry all that and why do you have so many forks?


    Oh, maybe it's both of our forks.

    There's maybe even 20.

    It's a knife, OK.

    Maybe it's like for you probably OK.

    I don't think I would have grabbed two forks.

    That's that seems a little excessive.

    For me that's so funny.

    The side part once again is just jarring.



    But like we would grabbed a whole classroom like it was just normal.

    Just go to classrooms and study in there.

    Also, I still wear that flannel all the time, it's so soft.

    This is hilarious.

    This was such an exciting day though.

    That was a good day.


    I So you're not in this one.

    Who was that child?

    But I want to include this.

    Do you remember the solar eclipse with this this year?

    Yes, it was such a big thing where everyone's like, don't look at this guy.

    And they gave, I don't know if you got glasses, but people were handing them out and it was like.


    Know what I was doing this day, but I was not here for this.

    But Bobby actually looks like a child.

    That is not the same Bobby that I know.

    No, that is crazy.

    Yeah, but yeah, solar eclipse then there was a Snapchat filter for it.


    Of course you were the Snapchat queen.

    This was that starry night.

    Starry night.

    So every year Purdue had you're so dramatic.

    I can't.

    I know that's actually still rings true.

    What would you call Starry Night?


    There were all these like little vendors from around and like, it was like kind of like a street fair.

    Street fair's a good word.

    And I honestly don't know what like we did besides walk.

    Around that was pretty much it.

    There was live music, some shopping, some food.


    It's kind of like a farmer's market, but at night.

    Yeah, I have a nice picture of us.

    If it's going to show it, they know.

    There we go.

    OK, that one's cute.


    The side parts.

    Now that you've mentioned it, it's all I can see.

    I'm in the classic 20/16/2017 green army jacket.


    With the boots.

    And boots.

    Uh huh.

    You were dressed for the times.

    I was very trendy, I.

    Was like wow, remember we were forcing either Ross or Bobby to take a picture of us.

    Yep, I think Ross came to this.

    He did.


    This was like I think the first time Bobby met him.

    That's right.

    Oh my gosh, that was a million years ago.

    Mm hmm.

    That's cute.

    We're like out here, socializing, doing the college things.

    We're probably so stressed out that we had work go out and do stuff and think about the assignments we had to get done.



    And I think the last.

    Yeah, you're going to take a FAP that I got you.

    This was one of the most exciting gifts I've ever gotten is for my birthday.

    No, why would I be wearing jeans around my birthday?

    Maybe it was Christmas.


    Yeah, I don't remember.

    Well, you got me a boom chicken pop bag and it was like one of the best things.

    It was Costco.

    Sized ever.

    And I remember I was like, yes, my gosh, a little hilltop Room 0.

    My gosh, the shelves.


    I blame Hilltop Rooms for why I'm bad at sharing space 'cause I got a whole three person apartment to myself.

    Yeah, yeah.

    The fact that I lived in that little thing with two other people.

    I think about that all the time 2.

    Strangers, I think about your sleeping arrangement.


    We all shared one room.

    Oh my God.

    That's crazy.

    I am such like I love my home so much right now I cannot imagine anything.

    Different one tiny space for three people.

    I'm so I need to be more grateful for what I have now because I get this whole house to just myself and Ross, who I'm very comfortable with.


    No2, random strangers.

    Oh my gosh, yeah.

    Although Caroline and I are still Instagram friends.

    I think I'm friends with her too.

    Yeah, she's nice.

    I really like.

    She's cool.

    She's so cool.

    She's a psychologist and she's like super like fashionable.


    She's so cool.

    It's in Chicago.

    Oh my gosh.

    Wait, really?

    Yeah, Bobby saw her recently, remember, because Bobby was ARA.


    He saw her.

    Yeah, he told me this when I was visiting you guys last time.

    He said that he saw Caroline like out on the town doing something or other.


    Oh, I definitely did not.

    Maybe you were like that.


    Oh my gosh, wait, that's so funny.

    Yeah, cuz yeah, that was the year that I lived at Hilltop and he was my RA, so he was also the RA for my 2 random roommates that I had no idea who they were until we met that day.



    My gosh, that's so funny.

    Also, I moved in super early because I was working at ADR and somehow I got the go ahead to do that.

    So I did live there for like 2 weeks all alone and that was pretty great.


    But then.


    Then they had a con I.

    Had two roommates, yeah.


    All right, for a long time.

    All right, well, thanks for listening, guys.

    Be sure to go check out the bonus content because we're going to chat about how we're doing and what's going on in our lives there now.


    Some podcast updates and whatnot.

    There have been some changes since last time, so we can update you there, but otherwise, we'll see you next week and thanks for listening.

    Bye, guys.


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Episode 164: Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?


Episode 162: Nourish review - are dietitians finally accessible?