Episode 152: Inside the Life of a Dietetics Student

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Episode Description
In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah reminisce on their undergraduate days and share what it was like to be a dietetics student at Purdue University. For this episode, the girls discuss their sophomore year academics and adventures. From struggling their organic chemistry and biochemistry to navigating work-life-school balance, they truly went through it. To learn more about what a dietetics student goes through and visit memory lane with your favorite unhinged dietitians, you won’t want to miss this one!
Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube to listen.
The Beet Deets Bonus Segment
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In this week's bonus episode, Emily and Hannah talk about the new structure for their bonus segments. After doing this for three years, they've decided to re-evaluate what is best for them and also what better they can do for you! This episode includes updates and BTS of their recent vacations and updates for future podcast episodes to come.
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