Episode 140: Reacting to Old Episodes: Ep. 29 Dietitian Approved Weight Loss Strategies (Realistic & Sustainable!)
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In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah react to one of their earlier episodes where they discuss weight loss recommendations. The girls have been avoiding this episode like the plague, but they decided it was time to talk about it. Their original episode may have caused more harm than good, and it’s important we talk about it. Tune in for some good reflection, self-growth, and potential cringe! (we’re doing it for you guys).
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Hello everybody, Welcome back to a brand new episode of the Upbeat Dietitians podcast.
Hello everyone.
Today we are bringing another reaction episode.
This is something we've kind of been doing a little bit more.
As you guys know, we have been around or actually don't know.
We've been around for three years now running this little podcast and we have grown quite a bit for the better.
So we're doing a lot of reacting to our early episodes when we kind of didn't really know what where we stood in the nutrition space.
So it's fun for you guys, not fun for us 'cause it's cringy to watch, but that's entertainment still.
So before we, before we get into it, make sure you're subscribed to the YouTube channel so you get to see our beautiful faces and all the fun effects.
And for today's episode, you get to actually see us when our younger selves So exciting.
Yeah, and we age, apparently.
We really do.
We'll get there.
And then also, if you're able to, we have exclusive episodes on Spotify for a low price of 299 a month where we just give you some extra content and behind the scenes of what's going on with our lives.
But let's get right into it.
We are reacting to probably one of our most popular episodes that we never mentioned.
Yeah, it.
Is because of 1 keyword that's in there.
It could search the most I'm sure.
Oh yes, and it is our episode that came out on November 10th, 2021 and it has our dietitian approved weight loss strategies in parentheses.
Realistic and sustainable episode if you've been here.
Lately, yeah.
If you've been here anytime in the last like 6 months, you can probably guess how this would no longer be an episode that we would be putting out three years later.
Yeah, and I'm going to save my thoughts.
We have a lot to reflect on, but we were in a weird, like, nutrition stance.
Like, we were like kind of playing both sides with the weight loss.
But that's the spoiler weight.
Both sides with intuitive eating.
We're kind of transitioning, so we're going to get into it.
Before we watch the clips, what are our our first initial thoughts?
OK, very worst thing I notice that has nothing to do with that episode is our cute little matching shirts that we're wearing.
I was like, Oh my gosh.
We got to bring back the merch in the future.
I know I like use my TUD tote all the time and I'm like, the people need this.
They do.
We'll bring it back eventually when we we tackled.
Too much.
We tried to do a million things at once and that that's not the way to do it.
My first thoughts were I remember us recording this and then never advertising it, even like soon after we recorded it.
I remember our initial thoughts were like, let's just have this to put it out there and then we'll never refer to.
Which is still the case.
We stood true to ourselves in that way.
Yeah, initially I'm going to say I told Hannah this off air.
I don't think this one is going to be as bad as Hayes.
I was just looking was Hayes before that was episode 22, I think, right?
That sounds right.
And this is 29.
So I think we did do Hayes before.
So we were, we were a few weeks progressing into our weight neutral dietitian era that we're in now.
Slowly growing there, but it's still it's going to be interesting.
I was like in our old apartment.
I'm sitting in Ross's desk area.
He has all these fancy lights He does now too, in his office at our house.
But he's big into like different colored lights and all that.
So say you.
Look like you're in some like, fun house fun.
I chose blue for the day for some reason, yeah.
It's so funny.
We do look like children and I was looking at home.
Wow, I actually think working in the real world aged.
Us It really did.
Because we looked kind of the same throughout college and our internships in like, still.
And then we hit the real world and it's like, oh, there goes all the baby fat and all.
Well, it's the same time as like our frontal cortex developed, our faces changed too.
It's like all one full body rediscovery.
Yeah, basically, yeah.
OK, should we get to the first time stamp?
Let's get to the first one.
I don't.
It's OK we can we can do this.
We've done this twice before.
I know we can.
It can't get worse, right?
Hayes was bad.
And so we just want to really reiterate that focusing.
We want you to focus more on non scale victories rather than the number on the scale.
And this is like how your clothes fit, how your energy is throughout the day, how you personally feel in your own body.
Because the number on the scale is not going to be in a constant decline.
It fluctuates every day and even with weight loss, you might not see a decline immediately.
Sometimes you do need to lose weight before you can, no, sometimes you need to gain weight before you can lose weight.
I wanted to highlight this cause the non scale victories still give off weird energy we discussed.
Kirsten on her podcast.
Still, as in present day, Still still not back then, 'cause I would not say it if it was giving off weird energy, yeah, but it's still yes, With Kirsten talking about like, it's essentially the same.
Like, it's not the exact same 'cause it's like the fixation of the scale.
The scale is very holds a lot of power, especially that number, which is very annoying.
But focusing on, like, the clothes fitting and changes in the body is still contributing to hyper fixating on changes in the body.
I said I I'll give myself one kudos for saying how you feel in your body, but everything else was.
Yeah, it's just a sneaky way of measuring weight loss.
Just like as we'll get to, we'll talk about food Diaries up next.
I like made a whole case about like, being pro food diary for for some people.
I'll explain more of my thoughts in a minute, but it's kind of the same thing.
I was like, as we do with the Hits episode, like finding his wishy washy work around ways to promote weight loss without trying to promote intentional weight loss.
Yeah, it's giving.
Like what's that one I keep forgetting about?
Our recent diet review, the one that had the really good non diet.
Oh, go low.
Go low, go Low's been my like go to thinking of like I felt like we were kind of in that like sneaking in like oh these are some non diet ways you can measure weight loss which is like still contributing to the problem.
The biggest one I think is like how your clothes fit.
That one tends to be a really popular non scale victory.
So it's like you feel shame if your clothes that are smaller size don't fit you anymore.
Like that's the same thing as you getting on the scale and it being up and weight and you feeling guilty about that.
It's the exact same thing.
Yeah, it's a different work around way about it.
Yeah, weird energy is a good way to put it, I think.
I was uncomfy.
We're getting weird energy this whole this whole season, honestly, whatever season this was.
I feel bad, honestly.
I wish there was a way to like, I don't want to delete our episodes, 'cause I like looking at our like growth and whatnot.
But I was wish there was a disclaimer somehow, like we could put over episodes where it's like, please don't start from the beginning.
Honestly, we probably could in the description somehow like.
We could add a like.
Note from future Hannah and Emily.
Yeah, please don't start here.
Do people read podcast descriptions?
I don't unless I mention something that I'm interested.
In I normally only look at the title me.
Too we could, like, think of.
Let us know.
Let us know how to indicate to the people who are newer listeners.
OK, anyway, let us know guys like I'm like.
We'll think on it.
Think on it.
You think on it.
Let us know how we can.
Best let you guys know that we're no longer waiting.
To go in with cautions, Yeah, Let's talk about this next one.
This one's gonna be fun.
This one I took a lot of.
I made a lot of confident claims in this one.
Good for us for being confident.
But also we weren't though we were like so confident without that's.
True, we were not.
It can be really helpful, but in terms of calorie counting and food Diaries, I feel like it's pretty controversial amongst even US dietitians.
And the reason is or my understanding of why it's so controversial is because it can be a very slippery slope into disordered eating habits for a lot of people, but not always.
It is so dependent on the person and the reason why they're using it and like their attitude towards using it.
It can be a really good tool for a lot of people, especially people who are maybe like just starting out and don't really have a good grasp on, like how many calories are in these certain snacks and meals and that kind of stuff.
And it really is like just a learning tool, more so than the lifeline, where you're just dependent on it and you have, you know, a freak out if you don't put in your meal.
Exactly right.
In My Fitness, Pal and I always tell my patients and clients that if we are going to use a food diary together, I'm not going to allow them to use it until they're 95 years old.
The goal is to just use it for a short time to help them learn what they need to learn, and then we'll eventually learn how to get away from it and they can just maintain those habits long term.
I felt college Tay Chai inspired Hannah coming out during that.
We bring her up quite a bit, but I felt like you're like inner.
This is very neat.
I felt like your inner.
I could just like, see the like, college you.
Yeah, there.
It's like a weird mixture of fits, bow and also body positivity all happening at the same time.
Which isn't a good, good duo.
Have you, like, gave your disclaimer that yes, this is not for everyone and then you went the individualized route?
Once a girl.
It's like.
Just like the Hayes episode, like we're saying two things at once, constantly.
It's, which we still do to some degree because it's nutrition.
It's there's so much nuance that has to be brought up and discussed and that's why we do tend to be so wishy washy even still about certain things.
But like this you can just tell like now that we are looking back, you can just tell like we didn't know where we stood in this whole weight conversation.
Hope that every size, all of that.
Yeah, the big.
Thing that I wanted to know is how I said something along the lines of like it can be used as an educational tool.
There are so many other ways to educate without tracking every calorie that we eat.
Like, we don't have to like nitpick everything in order to educate.
There's so many, like so much margin of error, we don't even know for sure if what is like on a food label is truly in the product or how many of those calories our body will actually utilize or how many calories our body even needs that day.
It just doesn't tell us a whole lot.
And so again, if you find it helpful, that's great.
But I no longer recommend calorie counting because it's not really educating.
It doesn't teach us much of anything.
It just reduces nutrition down to a number when it's so much more than that.
I think it definitely, like you said, is a slippery slope.
I did say that.
I still did say that.
The only other thing I'll know is the lingo you used, I feel like was very.
I'm large and in charge.
It made know, like, where like we were from.
Like a counseling standpoint.
Yeah, and like a like.
I'm not going to allow you to use that food diary when you're 95 years old.
When you said allow, I was like.
OK, like take a step back, lady.
But also that's like we were very much like this is how it is like we were like we were not blaming the diet, culture, system.
We were like still in the like blame the victim mindset, like it was very much we were targeting all our energy at the client or the patient and luckily that's something we have grown out of.
Thank God.
I heard myself say that, and I wanted to, like, punch her in the face.
When you said that, I thought I was like, that's pretty telling of where we were.
I really did, unfortunately.
But we grew, and we'll probably look back three years from now and hate whatever we're saying now.
And that's OK as long as we don't regress.
Yes, although we have joked about that with the whole golo thing us becoming like super diety dietitians for the Monday.
Yeah, although I don't think we would stay and be dietitians for money.
That's true.
There's so good.
We'd be doing.
Which, honestly, you can probably tell by our YouTube videos that we're just like kind of not wanting to do that all the time.
No it's not.
It's not fun making your like main job your only personality trait.
No, like literally my last video.
I just talked about gardening and books.
That's amazing.
Like what?
More do you want?
Yeah, what more do you want?
You guys can come to the podcast for nutrition.
We'll be dietitians here.
Yes, we will.
Unless we're talking about.
Niche other things, Yeah.
Like, take, check.
I bet.
I bet there's maybe one listener who's like, Oh yeah, her.
There's got to be.
It's got to be a Purdue.
It's always that's the that's true.
That's the.
That's the link.
Yeah, let's go to the next one.
OK, this is if we have to.
It's OK.
We're we're reflecting and growing as human beings trying to figure yourself out.
And typically when we're eating, we're going to be awake for a bit longer.
But by eating so close to when you're sleeping, that really messes up a lot of the hormones.
Your body's kind of trying to get all those that incoming glucose under control and can disrupt your sleep schedule as well.
So I typically recommend people don't eat 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.
And I don't know what you recommend.
I'd love to hear from you, but that's kind of my advice I give out.
Yeah, I always say it really depends.
Like I take it situation to situation because everyone always asks that too.
That's a good point.
Everyone always asks like am I allowed to eat past 7:00 or is it going to all turn to fat?
And if that's the question, then I'm like no, no, no, you can eat past whatever time you want as long as you don't find that it disrupts your sleep or causes like acid reflux or anything.
So I always tell the person like pay attention, like if you do eat pretty close to bed, just make sure you see if that does play any role.
But I think two or three hours is a good piece of advice.
It can eat.
Can you tell what my current job position was?
I was.
Just thinking that.
I was working at a functional medicine company, and that's not to say they're all back.
Just the one I worked at was not good.
The way I started it off, I was just like, typically when you're eating, you're awake.
I didn't even notice that.
So I was like, what am I saying?
Just clarifying some information.
But I don't.
I've had one patient who did and I did not know what to do about her and how to help her.
I was like, I don't know honestly how to help you.
Yeah, maybe seek out a sleep specialist.
Sleep, medicines you need to speak to.
We can talk about ways to make sure you're like, well fed.
If it's if that's the reason why you're waking up as your body is just like hungry, we'll talk about that.
But otherwise she was asking about like hypnosis and stuff like that.
I was like, I don't know.
Yeah, but I only wanted to know that it's OK if you eat within two to three hours going to bed.
I think I almost always do because I like a little late night snack.
Because I don't know about you, but I wake up if I get hungry.
Like I wake up with a snack if I go to bed without eating, like if I had like let's say dinner at like 5.
Because sometimes I do because I'm an old lady and I go to bed at like 9 or 10, which is which is rare for me.
I'm usually in bed before that because also old lady, that's a long time for me without, well, something.
Just if I don't eat bins.
Six or seven the next morning.
So I'll wake up and I'll be like ravenous and need a snack.
What's your late night snack when you wake up?
Oh, it depends.
As it does.
I love a bowl of cereal That's a classic late night snack, and it's like hits all the right notes.
It's got like the carbs, the protein, it's filling.
Also tasty.
Doesn't need like a lot of like prep, obviously, which is good for midnight snack.
Or I love my classic, like little snack plate of like, cheese, fruit, nuts.
That's always a hit.
Or I've been really into the chocolate milk lately.
Just a glass of chocolate.
Chocolate milk.
Yeah, I love it do.
You have a favorite brand.
Yes, either the fair Life one or Kroger's carb master which made the name, but I love the product.
Sounds really good.
Both lactose free for those of you who need that in your life.
Or or I wake up because of Finn and then I realize, oh, I'm hungry now that I'm up, I'm going to have a snack.
It's one of those two ways.
It's like he knows they do have those, like dogs that can like, assess your blood sugar levels.
Like those dogs.
Are so smart.
I love dogs so much.
Today we took Finn to lunch.
We like went to a BBQ locally here and they allowed dogs outside.
Our waitress was obsessed with him.
She kept like coming over, going like face to face with him and like squeezing him.
And she brought him like two or three different treats.
It was the cutest thing ever.
I'm like if I was a waitress working at a place that allowed dogs, that'd be me.
Yeah, this makes everything better.
I know.
It was so smart and cute.
Yeah, like, how does it know when your blood Sugar's low?
That's crazy.
I have no idea.
They're so smart or like, or the ones when they know you're going to have, like, an epileptic seizure.
That's crazy to me.
Crazy like no human can do that.
Dogs are smarter than us.
A dog is my.
Go to medical school and be a doctor.
I would trust a dog to do surgery on me if they were trained, if Finn for president.
Finn could not handle the stress of being president, Let's be honest.
Finn would not enjoy that, no.
Unless Ross and I were also there.
You've all come together.
Yeah, we're a package deal.
You're like his service animals.
So it's like, I'll be I'll be present.
But I need my humans.
All We're all emotional support for each other.
OK, where were we?
Just it's OK before bed.
I think that's that's it.
Yep, there's no if.
If you do experience reflux or anything like that, like don't do that then, but like you can eat within two to three hours of bed.
It might even be a good thing.
It could probably help this next one I have.
I have so many words.
Well, I'll leave by saying that it is managing your stress and stress can look like not getting enough sleep.
But stress can also look like like work stress, school stress.
It can look like the stress of, you know, doing 3 hour hit workout seven days a week.
That is a big stressor to our body.
But in general, having that chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol, which is our stress hormone and that can increase our appetite in those cravings as well, which of course can negatively impact our weight loss goals and make it harder for us to manage our intake.
I love us talking about stress management urging intentional weight loss like.
Potential weight loss is so stressful, yeah.
Do make sure that you are assessing the clothing sizes that you're wearing.
Count your calories, but don't be stressed though.
No, no stress.
Make sure you're managing all your other stress because this is gonna add enough stress.
This will be your only source.
You are allowed, yeah.
Yeah, only let your body to feel the stress of intentional weight loss, nothing else, because that will impede your intentional weight loss.
Mm hmm.
Did we talk about emotional eating in this one or is it?
Did we go, oh we didn't want, OK, we're we're returning.
We're returning.
I was like, I had something I wanted to say, so I was like, that's enough that.
That's a good stopping point.
We got more to.
Say on to emotional eating that when.
We do feel stressed.
We often have a hard time making good decisions in terms of food, and sometimes emotional eating could come along with that.
And as I'm sure we've said before, perhaps in like the intuitive eating episode, emotional eating can be OK to a point as long as you realize it's not going to fix the problem.
And that goes with stress eating too.
So if you're eating just because you're stressed, do realize that that's not going to fix the stress.
You really do need to figure out other ways to cope with stress and other feelings that you have.
That's a struggle for you all.
Right, that's once.
Again, blaming the patient and no one else.
Figure out your stress.
Take care of it.
OK, stop stress eating because it's not going to fix the problem.
And you will not lose weight.
Yeah, I like hinted at what we say now about emotional eating, like how it can be used as a tool.
But I was like don't do it though.
Yeah, it's not a good tool.
Yeah, it's OK if you use it as a tool, but it's.
It's really not good.
Though you should feel guilty about that if you aren't doing that weird energy once again.
Very weird energy of what is happening.
I like how we referenced the Intuitive eating episode, like we have any idea what was actually going on with Intuitive?
Eating we should probably we should react to.
Intuitive eating, I know.
That one might be worse.
I know 'cause we were using intuitive eating, or at least I was as a weight loss strategy.
I don't think it'll be worse than Hayes, though.
Haze was really bad.
Haze was so bad.
That was really bad.
Well, we could be low, but with hesitation.
Speaking of, we have one more clip that let's just.
Jump right to it, because we like to drop all of these popular things going on.
Now you're.
So close to just being on the nose, but so far away at the same time.
Wait, wait.
So kind of a. #1 fan from day one.
Also, I'll quit sign up.
There have been so many videos where I say retweet and I'm like, it has got to stop.
I don't.
Know that was what we said though back then it's it's the equivalent of sleigh in 20/23/24.
And I think we were like pretty anti sleigh at the start.
We actually, I feel like we picked up on sleigh at like the end.
Of its popularity.
That's those little little.
Yes, yeah, OK, Anyway, we can continue.
This isn't a fad diet episode, but we like to have kind of final thoughts from what we'd like.
We'd love for you to take away from this.
If you didn't take anything away, we're about to talk about, we hope you something resonated with you.
But additionally, if you are struggling with weight loss, it is so important that you work with a dietitian who has the proper training and qualifications to do so.
There's so much that goes into weight loss, and the discussion of weight loss is we talked about like haze, we've talked about like an intuitive eating, we talked about societies like perception of weight loss and how the diet industry always pushes for the weight loss agenda.
There's so much that goes into it than just telling someone this is how many calories you should eat or this is how many macros you should eat every day.
Dietitians have that counseling and behavioral health background so they can effectively help you make individualistic changes to your life that will actually benefit you, rather than just giving you a number to focus on and telling you to track.
There was a whole lot of words said.
I forget how you said it, but you're like if you take nothing away from this dot dot dot, take away intuitive eating and haze and.
Society's perception of weight loss and how weight loss isn't just calories.
But like we're promoting that we are part of the problem.
We are.
This is a weight loss.
Intentional weight loss happens out.
It's realistic and sustainable, though, so it's it's better.
I feel so bad.
For anyone who listened to this, that was.
We got a comment, a couple comments that were like, yeah, I listened to the full episode, yeah, including my dad.
Shout out to our biggest fan.
He'll say yeah, no matter what we say.
Yeah, yeah, we could say that.
It's good to eat your own poo.
And he would be like, heck, yeah.
You go, girls.
I know he's here right now.
Hi, Dad.
Thanks for listening.
Hello, Mr. Hill.
Yeah, that entire segment, I was just like, what is happening?
What is going on here?
Weird energy.
We tried so hard we're we're almost there.
We were.
Transitioning out of our very weight centric, weight loss focused mindset.
Unfortunately, we still didn't like reach completion until like 6 months ago, a year ago.
It took us a couple years to get there.
Let's talk about what we didn't discuss.
This is not even going to be all of it because there's a lot.
There's a lot here.
One of the biggest things I'd like to know is there was no eating disorder risk or disorder eating discussion at all.
I mentioned like a tiny bit with the food diary, the whole slippery slope thing.
That's literally it.
That yeah, There was no reference of like food insecurity, quality of life, time as a resource, negative effects of yo-yo dieting, and then social determinants of health, like all very important things that play into your life and should definitely be mentioned whenever weight loss is in the conversation.
Instead of just like making it your fault if you're not losing weight.
Manage your stress better.
Stop eating the stress.
Management part sucks so bad.
It was so bad.
Imagine if we were therapists.
If those versions of us were therapists, I would hope we'd get fired.
I would hope you have a very stern talking to the world.
Like everything in the world is so stressful right now.
And like, we literally were like go on a walk, listen to music as if like that's going to fix the impending doom and like anxiety that is filling everyone with everything going on.
Like we we already mentioned this, but like we were just placing so much blame on the person and not the system that creates these stressors and pushes for weight loss and creates these insecurities that the diet industry profits off of.
Yeah, one last note that I had my final thought.
We didn't play a clip of this, but when I was watching the whole thing back, we did share some tips.
Obviously it was.
The whole point of the episode was like to share some tips on how to pursue this intentional weight loss.
We discussed things like eating balanced meals, getting protein, fat, and fiber in incorporating weight training and not skipping meals.
You can still do all these things in a weight neutral approach too.
Like if you do all these things, I'm willing to guess that your health may be improving by doing those things even if you don't lose weight.
We just like didn't see that then.
We didn't think that you could pursue health separate from weight, but you can't.
You can do all those.
Yeah, a lot of the main tips that we actually gave in this episode, I'd still stand by, but doing it in a way that isn't, with that stress of intentional weight loss going on the whole time.
And increasing your stress levels because of the intentional just manage you guys.
Just go on a walk.
All of your stress will be gone.
And you will lose weight and the world will be so much better because of it.
We've kind of hinted at a few things, but is there anything that we mentioned in the episode that you would say differently now?
Like, were there any key things?
I guess we've really named a bunch, but any others that you want to bring up?
I feel like the biggest thing is just shifting the blame.
I think so too that like a.
Lot of the language we used was low key kind of controlling.
Like, I'm not going to allow you to use a food diet when you're 95 years old.
Or like this is what you should do.
This is what I'll tell.
There were like no.
Like we recommend or like.
There was not really any of that.
It was this weird energy of us, like being confident but not taking a side, but trying to appease everyone by telling you that you are the problem.
That's the funny part is we're like trying to be on your side but also blaming you simultaneously.
It's very We are sending mixed signals.
We want everyone to support us and like us as dietitians and podcasters, but also it's your fault if your body is the wrong size.
Honestly, the stress management really grinded my gears.
Once I heard that, I was like.
Yeah, I think that and then are like hinting at intuitive eating in haze, as if these can all work together.
Yeah, we definitely will have to record a review of our Intuitive Eating episode.
That's not going to be fun, but it's OK.
OK, guys, stay tuned.
As for today, we're going to go have fun in the buttos.
No more cringing, at least on our end.
You guys may still cringe at us, the current versions of us.
That's OK, but that's fine.
We appreciate you listening.
Definitely watch on YouTube so you could watch Go get younger us.
We're just little babies.
In our matching shirts.
Little babies who don't know what's going on, but that's OK.
But thanks for listening, guys.
We'll see you next week.
Bye guys.
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In this week's bonus episode, Emily and Hannah discuss what beverages they would choose if their fingers could dispense any beverage of their choosing. Think on it! If you could have any five, what would it be? They discuss their beverages of choice and if capitalism would somehow take away or tax certain beverage privileges (how fun!).