Episode 55: Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?
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In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah chat about the highly debated question… Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? The girls discuss reasons why breakfast is important to eat in general and dive into some easy ways to sneak in something to eat if you feel rushed on time in the morning or don’t have an appetite. From hormone health to intermittent fasting, they cover how breakfast is involved. Be sure to tune in and let us know what the best time for brunch is!
Participant #1:
Hello everyone. Welcome to an episode of the Upbeat Dietitians podcast. Hello, guys. Welcome back to a brand new episode. Today we are talking about all things breakfast. We're going to go over some reasons why we often encourage breakfast. For most people, we'll get some situations like maybe you don't need deep breakfast, but typically we spoiler alert, do advise it for most people. So I think like six main reasons why we'll also be discussing intermittent fasting a little bit, because oftentimes when you intermittent fast, you don't eat breakfast, depending on kind of like your intermittent fast schedule that you're on. So we will go through that a little bit as well and then kind of give some easy peasy breakfast ideas as well. Yeah. I'm so excited. I love breakfast. My favorite meal today. Me too. This is going to be a great one. But let's get into it because I know you're all so interested in trying to know about why we should eat breakfast. So like Hannah Manchester, we're going to go through a couple of reasons. First one being, when we eat breakfast, we get that immediate boost of energy in the morning. We are giving our body some more glucose. And as we know, glucose is that primary energy source our body likes to run off of. So when we're feeding our body, I don't think I mentioned that, but we get glucose from food. So when we give our body that nice glucose source, that energy source, it's going to give us plenty of energy in the morning to start our day off. Right. And one of the biggest things I will note is I always recommend I'm sure Hannah does as well is trying not to eat a carb by itself by breakfast, just because it might spike your blood through a little bit and not that's a bad thing, it just won't really give you sustainable energy. So we recommend pairing it with either protein or fat because those macros, those two are going to help slow down that carb metabolism and also leave you more satiated. Yeah. I always say to have it stick in your brain. I always say don't eat carbs naked or try not to, which means if you have a carb, don't eat it by self. If you have like oatmeal or fruit or a piece of toast, always try to pair it with a protein or fat or don't eat it naked. That one always sticks everyone here. So we're naked. I was going to say I like that. I might start using that. The next one is our cortisol levels. That stress hormone is highest in the morning, and we naturally lower those by eating. So from also just like a cortisol management, I guess like cortisol stress management throughout the day. That's why we want to eat frequently. But especially in that morning, the levels are highest and you don't really have to do anything crazy for you. You just got to eat something and it'll naturally lower them. And I guess we can go to the next one too, which is it really helps from a blood sugar stability standpoint if we go too long without eating, say with like intermittent fasting. For example, if we go like 16 hours without eating, that can cause our blood sugar levels to drop. And that can lead to us feeling like fatigue, headaches, those hangry symptoms like you want to punch them in the face, that kind of thing. And if we have this crazy blood sugar roller coaster, like it's just up and down super drastically, that can lead to us kind of having those like snacky feelings or cravings maybe. And so hopefully having those more stable blood sugars where you're eating every few hours and then also only having a short fast at night, which will kind of get you later like 1012 hours or so, hopefully that will help to not make you feel super duper. Snacky not the snacking of bad. Emily and I are big snackers ourselves. We literally were just eating snacks before we hit record. But it's more so like the mindless snacking where you're not actually getting that physical hunger. It's just kind of a response to having crazy blood sugar responses, all important reasons to eat breakfast and all solid reasons so far. One of the next ones is a little bit more specific. So this is something more. So if you like to exercise in the morning, we do not recommend coming off of a fast and straight into some type of workout because when we eat, we supply the body with that glucose, that energy. And when you're coming off of however long, like twelve hour fast, ten hour fast, however long it is, your body doesn't have that readily available glucose, that energy because we ate many, many hours ago. So what happens is since the body does not have that readily available glucose, it actually starts burning from our glycogen stores, from our muscles. It's easier to convert energy from muscle. Yeah, it's easier to convert muscle into energy rather than fat, which nobody wants to hear. That just kind of how the body likes to function and what its priority is kind of getting energy. It doesn't really care about whatsoever it is. But that's why, one we don't want to lose muscle mass in a nice situation. And then also when you do eat something small, it doesn't have to be something huge. I normally recommend, I think, 15 grams of car before a morning workout, whether that's like a Gatorade or a piece of fruit or some crackers or toast, whatever it is. When we do eat, we're going to have improved energy levels during our workouts because we want to feel good during those as well as just overall better performance, whether that's lifting more, running faster or swimming faster, punching harder and kickboxing, I don't know. But that's another big thing I've seen because I know I personally also like to get my work out. If I am going to work out right now, we're in a little bit of a rut. If I do partake, it'll be in the morning. And yes, we want to give ourselves some type of feeling. Yes, we kind of debunked us a little bit more. And I think it's episode 20. In our first Myth or Fact Fitness Edition episode, we talked about fasted exercise. So I'll link that one below. But yeah, your body needs food for energy. And so, like, I'm with it if you go for a super long time, which you will if you're sleeping for a good amount of time, and then you try to go do a workout, depending on the strenuosity. Is that a word? The intensity of your workout? I've been talking for like 10 hours today. My words are gone. Depending on the intensity of your workout, you likely will need a pretty good amount of glucose. And the best way to get that to your body is to eat it. So we don't recommend fasted cardio or fasted exercise really in general for those reasons, like when we listed. All right. Our next reason to eat breakfast number five is to help you get some more fiber in the morning. If there's one nutrient, I guess there's two nutrients I always talk about a lot, and that's protein and fiber. And we want to get both of those in the morning. Actually, protein is also very important to get in the morning to help us stay full. So we have that stable blood sugar, not eating our crops naked, all that. But fiber is also one that we have to be pretty intentional about. And we often as a whole society, we generally don't eat enough fiber. And so if you can kind of sneak someone in breakfast, that's really great. Again, it's like be very deliberate. I feel like most of us aren't just snacking on like, veggies and hummus in the morning, but you can sneak in veggies into like smoothies or fruit too. We'll have some fiber as well. Add like some veggies, like your egg scramble or like an omelet. You could do like those egg muffins, like with veggies in them and freeze those or refrigerate those. Oh, gosh. What else? I think those are kind of the big ways. I think my best way is putting them in smoothies is what I like to do. Oh, yeah. Or like adding them on top of a toast of some type of spread, whether it's like if you don't do, like, peanut butter toast, maybe add some bananas or raspberries or something on top. Or if you were doing? Maybe like, more savory. Like, I like to do. Avocados actually don't have much flavors in avocados. They're a favourite. Okay, cool. I eat that every day. I just thought of one too. You could do like, hemp seeds, Chia seeds, black seeds, throw those in, like, literally everything. That's what I do. Super easy. Yeah. They have essentially no taste, so it's super not invasive to use them. They won't ruin your food, I'm trying to say. Yeah, that's one of the funniest things. I was like, I always recommend, like, one to two handfuls of leafy Greens in your smoothie. And people are like, why that amount? It's normally about maybe one to two servings, but there's no harm in doing more. You just might have very, like, your bowel movements might be affected a little bit, which I don't know if you really want that. And also, I don't know if you like the taste of a ton of liquid spinach. Yeah. There's a threshold when you add veggies to smoothies where you don't taste it, and if you go past that, you're screwed. Yes. At least it's fast to drink, then that's true. Almost an art. It really is. I've kind of gotten it down to a science where I can kind of, like, estimate exactly how much of each ingredient I need to make a perfect smoothie. I'm getting off sidetrack, but I am a terrible smoothie maker because I want to add in everything. So I add, like, five fruits and, like, way too much sleepy Greens and, like, whatever else. And then I've made like three servings, probably of a smoothie. And I'm like, me being me now. I don't have the logistical side to be like, yes, I am going to save this. No, I like, put in a really smoothie. No. The texture changes and the consistency changes, so I will power through and normally it becomes a smoothie bowl at that point. Yeah. And then I add toppings on top, which is, oh, my gosh, just what it needs, more stuff. And normally it will be like two meals worth. I'll just be eating it for probably like three to 4 hours. I'm just trying to do that. You make meals last so long. I know because I tend to make my eyes and my brain are hungrier than my body. Yeah. One of the biggest debates I have every morning with myself with my little British Australian accent in my head is am I going to have one piece of bread with my avocado toaster too? And I have to really gauge my body because oftentimes, normally, like, not every time it's one. But if I ever get really ambitious and it's two and I don't finish it and I'm like, oh, my gosh, thank you. I did have two today. I was feeling very rabidness. Well, you were very Proactive today, so I'm guessing it sounds like it helped me. Well, I gave you the energy you needed. I actually made a TikTok about that. It was a very supportive TikTok, which I appreciate. And I think you've talked about it where people were arguing. They weren't really like arguing, like arguing, but they were like, isn't it wasted food if you force yourself to eat it versus throwing it out? And I am just like, I think I'm more on the side of I don't want to throw it out. So I'll eat it. 5 hours later, the texture will be completely different. But I'm going to eat it. Yeah, I'm definitely in that camp too, where if I can save it, I'm going to of course, I wouldn't throw away like totally great things. That would be good for leftovers, right. But like in that smoothie situation, I would not drink that whole smoothie over a period of like 4 hours. I was just chalking up at the loss, making a learning opportunity and make a better smoothie next time. Yeah, I have not learned. They're hard. I will say I've figured out the good amounts of each ingredient, like get the texture right, but I always make too much. Also, my smoothies are always way too big. And then I'm like freezing. I'm like, so they're so cold. They're so cold. And I'm like, oh my gosh. And for whatever reason, I always want them more in the winter. And so then I'm like making myself cold. It's so stupid. Smoothies. No, I have a client. We always talk about this. Like when you have a smoothie that sits too long and he's like a straw and like that warm part of the smoothie comes up in the straw. That is like the most nasty thing in the world. Yeah. It's like that warm mush before you get the actual cold part of the smoothie, it's in the cup. No. Yeah. She's like, I can't do it for that reason. I just expect that. So now I can't even do smoothies. Oh no. Like, I hear you, girl. I'm like, it's terrible. Okay, we have one last reason to eat breakfast. Yeah. Okay. So the last reason is eating breakfast helps establish a morning routine. I'm sure you've heard like, on any type of I'm a big self help book, podcast, whatever it is advocate. But just in general, I'm sure you've heard like, develop a morning routine. Develop a nighttime routine. Breakfast plays a huge part in kind of having that morning routine set doesn't have to be super crazy. It's just kind of knowing that you will make time to eat in the morning so that way you don't feel as rushed. It will help you kind of wake up a little bit earlier so you have more time to start your day so you're not just like waking up before you have to go and running and throwing on clothes and maybe grabbing something or even just skipping what you're eating, but help you feel less rushed. And Additionally, if you have a consistent task that, you know, you'll have to complete, which is kind of a weird way to think about it. But you'll get what I'm saying. If you have a consistent task complete and you kind of can easily get that done and it becomes part of your routine, you already start your day off well and kind of feel successful and accomplished just knowing I'm good to start my day off. Let's go. Yeah, because I want to do some selfcare in the morning. And yeah, like Emily kind of said, too, it doesn't have to be this fullfledged thing where you spend an hour earlier to make this crazy big breakfast. Like just get up like ten minutes earlier so you can make a smoothie or make some avocado toast. Or maybe you make overnight oats night before and just like eat them really not really quickly, but you eat them before you kind of start your day. Whatever version of that works for you. But don't forget to ask for this crazy thing that really throws a wrench in the works for you. It's like now go to bed an hour earlier to just make a shelter breakfast the next day. It can be like literally ten minutes extra. Let's briefly talk about intermittent fasting a little bit more. So if you guys want to hear us do a whole episode, we have one on episode 26 on intermittent fasting. We talk about it. We'll link it. Yeah, we'll link it. Talk more about it. There really the biggest thing with intermittent fasting, and the reason we bring it up is because with that again, you usually do skip breakfast, which we're talking about today. It's like not this magical thing. The only reason intermittent fasting, quote unquote, works if your goal is weight loss, which I'm guessing it is if you're doing intermittent fasting. The only reason that again works is because it often creates a calorie deficit, which we all know. I hate that word, but it's metabolically the law of thermodynamics whatever that we have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. So that's the only way it works. If you are only allowing yourself to eat for six out of the 24 hours of the day, of course it's going to be really hard to eat all your calories, which we kind of explain a lot more in the episode, but that's the only reason it does. Again, I keep saying quote for weight loss because it doesn't actually often work long term, although you can do that forever. But like we already said, we usually want to eat in the morning because our blood sugar levels can drop if we do go too long. And so Emily and I often say like ten to 12 hours or so is kind of about as long as you should go from dinner or your nighttime snack or whatever until your next meal the next day. And most intermittent fasting periods go more like 14 to 18 hours where you're not eating. And that can lead to just increased levels of stress in the body, which is never a good time. So along with feeling hungry, you're now adding this stress component to the body as well, which stress affects everything. So we want to do everything possible to lower those levels. Not the biggest Internet fasting, I think. Actually, in that episode, I talked about how I'm an unintentional Internet faster, which we all are. If your fasting is like 10 hours. Yeah. But it's not like I'm going out of my way to feel like, yes, I am done eating by this time. It's just I like to eat dinner at an elderly time. I do too. I usually dinner super early. Yeah. I'm going to talk about the skin. I always laugh when any of my patients or clients are like, I eat dinner so early. And then they'll tell me like 500. Yeah. And then I'm like, I like to eat at 04:00 P.m.. I don't tell them that because I don't want to deal with that judgment. Not that they will, but people be like, what? But it cracks me up. If I could, every day, I would eat dinner at 04:00 P.m.. Every day, I would thrive. I thrived on that schedule. Do you have a night time snack or you not eat till the next morning? Not always. It kind of depends on something, actually. I don't know if we've done an episode on blood reduced ability, but not really. We talk about a lot, but yes, since I have no longer been eating my consistent dinner at 04:00 P.m., I now eat later. And now I snack more. But it's because I'm going so long without eating that I have way more cravings. Yeah. Which makes me not that snacking is bad. It's just I don't like feeling so hungry. Like, you're out of control sometimes. Yeah. I will eat dinner at 08:00 P.m. Sometimes. And that makes me so upset. I know. I do not like eating that late. Like maybe a snack, but not dinner. I know. And to kind of clear that up, people always ask me, like, if I eat past 07:00, will it all turn to fat? We're not saying that. No. I always say the only reason you should have a time limit is just because you notice you feel a certain way if you eat at a certain time. Yeah, but your body is going to be metabolizing, whether it's 04:00 P.m. Or 04:00 A.m.. It's like a complete personal preference. If you have listened to enough episodes by now, you know I am high maintenance and 04:00 P.m. Is my golden hour. I'm a creature of habit. I do not do well with flexibility now. Like, it's like some employer. Remember what I'm like? I'm flexible. I'm adaptable. Not with my eating habits. You said you are not. We heard it. Deny, reject it. That wasn't me. That was Patricia. That was a different Emily crowds, actually. Yeah. She looks just like me, but yeah. Okay, cool. Let's discuss some of our favorite breakfast options. Yeah, that are easy because I know that that's always the biggest question. I guess people are like, I don't have time. Let's discuss some quick ones then. So first one off the bat, just getting a simple high fiber cereal and adding it with, like, a side of fruit. I'm realizing now that I wrote this down, it might not have a protein in it. So maybe make it a high protein cereal. I like to do high protein milk. I'll do like the Fair Life milk. A cup of that. That's 13 grams of protein. Oh, that's so smart. And it's lactose various. You're like Emily and can't do the OG milk. Curts, you. Yeah, the OG milk, Koji milk. Or you can even sometimes I will literally add a protein shake as the milk. Or I will add protein powder to the milk. Super easy. Or again, like, add Chia seed, hemp seed Floxy. That would add some protein and fiber and healthy fats. It's maybe two or three ingredients, and it takes less than 1 minute to make. Yeah, that is option number one. Option number two is just like a protein bar and some fruit. You're more of. I don't want to put anything together. I want something small, super easy to option. You're going to get a carb. You're going to get some protein. Yeah. Another one you could do, like, hard boiled eggs with fruit or, like, with toast. If you guys are not getting the same here, it's kind of like carb protein. You can also add, of course, like, healthy fats to that. Like, if you would do the egg and toast, add avocado to it if you want to or whatever. But kind of the big two I always talk about is like, just try to pair carbs and protein together. Yeah. So, like, if you do the protein bar as protein, the fruit would be the carbs. This is a big joke. Yeah. Next one is, like peanut butter toast or any nut butter toasts with, like, banana on top. And they do banana. You can do, like, raspberries or blackberries or blueberries, whatever. It is super easy, but it's going to have that protein component from the peanut butter and the carb, the toast and banana. And you also get some fiber in with that banana, too, which we love. And then another one is overnight oats. Those are kind of like, I don't want to say cliche because they're, like, really great, but those are kind of like a go to super easy one that I like to do. Pro tip. If you've not seen my TikTok, you can take an old nut butter jar when it's close to being gone and, like, make your overnight oats in there. And then you get, like, peanut butter and the overnight oats. So good and you get to reuse a jar, which is cool. So those are some more I'd say like solid options. But I want to talk about practical hunger real quick because there are some reason that we eat Besides just our body telling us, hey, I need energy in the form of calories. Please feed me. We can also eat for what's called taste hunger, where we eat because we just have a craving for a certain taste. We can eat for emotional hunger, like if we are feeling stressed or tired or whatever. And we talk about that a lot and how it's not going to fix the emotion if you are eating out of an emotion. But it doesn't mean that it's not valid to ever eat because you feel a certain way. And then the fourth type of hunger Besides those three is called practical hunger. And this applies to breakfast because, say, you're someone who doesn't really feel hungry in the morning and you usually skip breakfast, but that does lead you to feel kind of snacky later in the day. You have that crazy blood sugar, roller coaster, whatever. You might be one who practices this practical hunger component where maybe you do get something in the morning and we'll kind of go over some easy on the stomach options that would work well for you. So you do not have that residual hunger later in the day. So you're not eating in the morning because you necessarily have that physical hunger, but you have practical hunger. And so you're eating to make sure that you don't have those negative effects down the road. Yeah, I practiced this a lot recently since I just have been kind of feeling rushed in the morning. And so I often don't feel hungry. Like right when I get up. I know I can't eat when I get to work, I just start my work. So I have been a big fan of doing like, as you guys probably know, if you follow me on social media, like the Fair Life Shakes, I'm obsessed with those. And like this morning I did one of those and I do it over ice and then I add a shot or two of espresso, so it's like a little latte. And then we always pair with carbs. So I will add like a piece of toast with that or fruit or like a little packet of oatmeal. That way. It's like a full balanced meal. But like protein shakes in general can be a really helpful thing if you maybe don't feel super hungry. But you do want to practically eat something so you don't end up having negative effects on skipping breakfast later in the day. And another kind of similar I was about to say cousin, that doesn't even make any sense. A cousin of the protein shake is the smoothie. What a cousin in the same family? I know my cousin is like not the family member. I would have chosen. But anyway, carry on
Participant #1:
is the smoothie. Another easy way to like, always. I always recommend having veggies, like a handful of leafy Greens, like some frozen fruit. If you like it thicker, adding either a protein powder, but then also you could add a nut butter in it or like, hemp seeds. Chia seeds make it super easy and well rounded. You have that carb component along with that protein component, but it'll be a liquid, so it's a lot easier, kind of, to get down. It doesn't really feel as heavy on your stomach. Or you could also in the family, the great uncle is adding, like, collagen or protein powder, which you can actually just talk about. Yeah, sorry I skipped ahead. Yes, if you guys don't have, like, if you do, like a powder instead of like a protein, like pre made shake, you're going to need either, like a blender or to make it easier on yourself, like one of those little frothers. Yeah, you can do that in your coffee. It mixes really well. Actually, whenever you do, like, collagen or like, a whey protein powder, it gets super duper, fulfilly and fluffy. That's really good. Some other tips, though, for honoring that practical hunger is like, if you don't want to go the liquid route, you could just eat something small, like some fruits and nuts. You don't have to have the big meal. You just have something small. Just making sure it's not a car by itself or a naked car. Naked carb. I want to mention, too, that it doesn't have to even be breakfast food. Back to breakfast. In general, if you do, like, one of more solid breakfast, I'll do leftovers in the morning. Sometimes it's totally fine to do foods that are like typical breakfasty foods. That sounds good. Yeah. I love leftovers on the weekends. For breakfast. Yes. What is it? It's so funny. I don't know what it is, but I think I had a burrito this past weekend. I had the other half of it for breakfast, and I was living my best life. It's so good. I love when I have Trader Joe's, Orange chicken and fried rice leftover. Oh, my God, it's so good for breakfast. I would eat that for every meal, too. I don't know why it's so good. I trust Trojan my life. Me too. Especially they're easy meals. Ross gets sick of it. He's like, you eat this way too much. We cannot keep having this. I'm like, fine. I like the whole bag myself. Then the last night, four meals, which is great. Yeah. I think that's what Bobby will be like, but we will figure that out. It'll be fine. Future Emily problem. Yes, exactly. Not right now. I will enjoy my same meal five days. It'll be fine. Final thoughts. Final thoughts. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? That's often a question we get asked. It really depends which you guys I know hate that answer, but it's like all about the context. If you may find that if you're not a breakfast eater and it doesn't really affect any of your subsequent meals throughout the day or any other aspects of your health, then cool. You don't have to eat breakfast, of course, but I think it's good. If you do experience, like, super duper big, like, cravings or, like, munchies throughout the day, or you feel like you're low energy or any of the other things I kind of mentioned. It might be good to reflect and see if it's because you do skip breakfast and if so, that would be an easy fix where you could just have an Apple and a protein shake every morning and suddenly you have more energy. You're not quite a snacky later in the day, whatever. So it's not like a perfect thing where you have to do it. Of course, nothing is ever black and white like that when it comes to this, but for most of us, it's often a good idea. Do you like breakfast for dinner? I like breakfast any time of the day. Me too. But also, like,
Participant #1:
strong of like, I don't have a strong opinion about only eating breakfast foods, even though I eat avocados every single day. I've also eaten bean burgers for breakfast. It's just like, I'm not a strong opinion about that. Not either. Only breakfast foods. This could be a good bonus question, so we should save it. But when you do leftover pizza, do you like it cold or hot? I love cold pizza. It's pretty good. I typically do it hot, so I like it better hot. But I also can really appreciate some good cold depot. Yeah, I think it depends, though. It depends. That's true. If I do not like cold, deep dish, that is. No, but like Papa John's. Yeah. Anything else? I've heard some people just, like, leave it on the counter overnight and then they just eat it. Yeah. That can't be good for the cheese. No, that gets in the temperature danger zone. That's so bad. Yeah.
Participant #1:
I'm like, no, I left coffee out that I made, like, in a pot overnight and I freaked out. I don't even know. I don't know anything about the safety of coffee. I'm thinking I'm like, what? Coffee is probably fine. It probably wouldn't taste very good, though. What is it about? I think I saw a tick talked to about it, and they explained the science behind it, but like, how iced coffee is delicious but hot coffee that turns. Yes. There was a little way science behind that answer that I don't remember. Yeah. Actually, to be very honest, I did not watch the video because I was just like, yeah, they're not the same. And I moved on. I was like, you don't need to tell me the evidence. It was like talking about the different compounds and the coffee and how they react to temperature. I was like, that's really cool that you're really into coffee that much. But I just know that I don't like it like that. It's a personal preference. It gets kind of gross when you have a hot cup of coffee and it kind of sits too long. It's not good at all. No, I don't like hot coffee. I said, let me talk about this. Because there's only one temperature that I like. Yes. And then if you miss that window and, you know, I take forever to drink things. Yeah. You do not. No. Practically hot coffee could not be something you like. It does not make sense. No, but otherwise it's like too hot and then burn your mouth or it's too cold and reheating. It is not the same. No. Especially if you add a Creamer to it that gets all cordially. They have like those Ember cups. We've seen those. They're really expensive. But it keeps your coffee at temperature. Yes. I kind of want one because they're cool. But also I like iced coffee more. Just like in general, not even because of that. From a practical standpoint, I just like ice coffee more. And so it kind of be a waste of money because I don't drink coffee. That often has to be the most. Maybe someone will send one to you. Oh, yeah. If you're listening, hint, sponsor me. I will gladly promote it. Or any listener just want to make it. Those are expensive. Please do not do that. Those are like one hundred Bucks to two hundred Bucks, something like that. Maybe the founder of member. The founder has some money. Or if you're rich listening to this, by all means. But if you are working paycheck to paycheck. Do not send me an effort. Hey, I'll be okay. I have a microwave. I'll just do. I coffee. It's fine. We will survive. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'm just being traumatic. Same. Yeah. All right, let's talk about the bonus question. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Today's bonus question is what is the best time for brunch? So the reason that I pick this question is because brunch is like such a huge time span. You can go at 09:00 A.m. Or like 03:00 P.m.. And so that's why I was like, yeah, I mean, I don't do that. My answer, as you'll find out, is I'm an early person, which we all know anyway. I'm the one who's up at 04:00 A.m.. Yeah. So obviously I'm going to try to go to brunch early because if you don't eat brunch until like two or 03:00 P.m., if that's your first meal of the day. We just talked about how you don't want to go that long without eating. And I'm a big fan of like a brunch buffet. So I'm going to want to be pretty hungry. But I don't want to be so hungry that I haven't eaten in like 24 hours. So, like, I feel like 1011 o'clock is like the best time because you can kind of sleep in. You can get ready if you're going, like on a little girl's date, you can get all dressed up and that's all cute and then you are at a pretty peak hunger at that point, so you can really enjoy a good buffet. So my answer is like 1011, that kind of time. I agree. I think we're actually going to agree on this time. Wow. It's like out of all the 24 hours of the day, I also agree. I like eating both breakfast and lunch food in a brunch. If it's buffet, like in getting both of it like you eat your breakfast food and then I always like, I'm like, I'm taking a break and then I'm like time for lunch foods. But also I am very hungry in the morning and I want to eat. But also I feel like brunch is like a mindset, so I don't know how much it's a social construct. And I was like, I always imagine brunch, like, you get a little bit dressed up and whether it's with your friends or after a holiday brunch or whatever it is. So it's not like at 09:00 A.m., it's going to be a little bit later so you can get ready and whatnot. But also anything past 11:00 A.m. Would probably make me upset because I'm like, at that point, it's lunch. Best lunch is not brunch. No. Yeah. I think ten to eleven is a good time to start. To start. Yeah. I want to have food on my plate at like 1011. Yeah. Maybe we can get there like 939. 45 to start off with some Mimosas or Bloody Mary. Do you like Bloody Mary's? I like tomato juice and I like the fixings in a Bloody Mary, but I don't really like themself. Yeah. I'm not a huge fan. I'll drink it. I loved them. Really? Oh, yeah. I did not know that. I'm more of a Mimosa. Me too. There's a place in Fort Wayne wants to go to when you come visit. They have a pretty good brunch buffet. Yeah, that sounds amazing. Right now, Rossner. There. Since Covet, it hasn't been quite as good. It used to be all the rage as where everyone would go on Sunday mornings in Fort Wayne. But Covet ruined everything. So they kind of like scaled back and it's not quite as good, but it's pretty good. They used to have like a donut bar where you would like, get. Oh, my God, you could like pick if you want, like a glaze or a different frosting. They had like, toppings, like bacon bits, like sprinkles, all stuff. That sounds amazing. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I want a bacon donut. Yeah. They have like a Maple glaze. You could do the Maple glaze and then bacon on top. That sounds so good. So good. You get that. And then they have the best bacon. Like, strips of bacon. They have, like, this Denver omelette skillet thing. That's really good. And then you have to go crunchy with some prime rib. I say breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Brunch might be my favorite brunch for sure, but, like, brunch isn't something you do every day. It's a Sunday tradition. Yeah. Most places don't even have brunch. Like, unless it's Sunday. Yeah. This place only has it on Sundays. I wonder why that is. It's a social construct, that's why. I agree. We should make brunches every day. Everyone should not start work until 12:00 p.m.. Yeah, but I also don't want to work until 08:00 p.m.. We all get off at 04:00 p.m.. Okay. And we work Monday through Thursday. Yeah. And we all have time for brunch. And then Fridays is our mental health day. And then Saturdays and Sundays are enjoying life day because we live. Have you heard the Tik Tok audio? Like, we're on a floating rock. Yeah, that has been my mindset so much. I got to get there. I got to get there. I am literally there when I get stressed about. Granted, you guys don't know this, but I literally, like, had a very stressful week for absolutely. I guess it's just all built up. Yes. But now, like, a couple of days later, I'm like, we're on a rock. We're on a flooding rock. It's so true. Nothing matters. Like, life is just weeks and then we die. And no one's going to care about this podcast in 20 years. No. Okay. That's 20 years. Like, 100 years. They're going to carry 20 years. Will this be our legacy or the Internet will get just so convoluted with other things that will just be pushed to the side. I don't even want to know what the Internet will be like in ten years. That stress me out. We're content creators. Like, imagine just all the stuff that's going to be on the Internet forever. Once we die, this will all just be there unless we delete it. But even then, it probably still won't actually be deleted. No. Once it's on the Internet, I firmly believe it is always on the Internet. Yeah, that's crazy. We're on a floating rock. Tomorrow is not promised that's another podcast. You guys did not sign up. Sorry to like, I don't want to stress you guys. I think that's a good mindset, though. It's like, stop worrying about stupid stuff. This is a floating rock. Eat brunch whenever you want to eat brunch. Yeah, brunch is a mindset. You can have brunch whenever you want. Yeah, it's a floating rock. Okay, that's enough. Thank you guys so much for listening to today's episode. We inspired you to go eat some breakfast. If you are not already a big breakfast groupie like us. Team. Breakfast team. All right, Todd eats breakfast. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Tag us hashtagbrunch at brunch. We will see you guys next week. Okay. Okay. Bye bye.