Episode 36: 9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Make Weight Loss Your New Year’s Resolution
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Participant #1:
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of The Upbeat Dietitians Podcast. Hello, guys. Welcome to the season two finale. Super excited. Just so you guys know, we are taking a short break after you hear this episode. But we will be back for season three on January 26 with a secret guest star that we can't tell you about yet. But it's going to be a good one. It will be worth a week. Oh, yeah, a very juicy episode. Very juicy. So in those few weeks between, you have to just flip back and look at some old ones. If you haven't heard them all yet, make sure to get caught up. But yeah, today we're going to go over why weight loss resolutions fail and why you should not make weight loss your resolution this new year's. It seems like that is almost the number one resolution for sure. Common one. And we kind of want to go over, like Hannah said, why not to do this or ways we can adjust our resolutions that would still potentially promote weight management, but not just weight loss in general. Because I'm sure if you're doing it again, you're potentially you've done it in the past and not seeing the best success. And we want to support you. And also I do with realistic changes. Yeah. We're going to give you a ton of other alternatives that have to do with nutrition and health and also some that have nothing to do with weight loss at all if you don't even want to think about weight loss as a resolution. So we'll have tons of other ideas for you. Yes. But to kick it off and get us started, let's talk about why weight loss resolutions fail. So number one reason is it's an unrealistic goal or in the sense that people set unrealistic goals where people say, I want to lose 20 or £30 by February? We typically recommend at least a healthy rate of weight loss is about one to £2 per week. So just based off that math, £48 by February. So those big jumps in a short amount of time are not necessarily very realistic, and we want to make sure we're setting realistic goals. Otherwise they are more likely to fail. Additionally, if you're looking for a quick fix, especially with a lifelong challenge of weight loss or weight management, if you've dealt with chronic dieting or stuff like that, those quick fixes will not be as beneficial to you, specifically, like the low calorie diets that are crazy low, like housing calories per day or detox diets or Juicing or meal, like drinking liquid instead of eating all those. We've seen it all, and I'm sure there's going to be more. That's just the nature of diet culture. Yeah. Today alone at my day job, I had three patients tell me they recently did optovia, like three in a row. I had three patients say they did optova, and obviously it didn't work because they were in my clinic. But yes, the word detox sends me, like, into a downward spiral just hearing it. If you have organs, you are detoxing. You don't need to do a detox. But yeah. Another point I kind of want to make about this point before I go on to the next point is losing weight is very challenging, but so is maintaining the weight loss after you lose the weight. That's a lifelong challenge. What's going to be the benefit of losing that weight quickly if you can't maintain it forever? So that's why doing those low calorie diet, detoxes juicing is also not effective because, yes, you'll lose the weight fast, but it's not teaching you how to maintain that forever. No. You're not going to drink juices for the rest of your life, and then as soon as you re implement food, you're going to gain the weight back. Yeah, exactly. Which is a good thing. That's what's supposed to happen. It's not because you failed the diet. The diet was terrible to begin with. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Our next one is kind of similar, but if you resolutions might fail if you do a fad diet to lose weight instead of focusing on behavior changes, the kind of things we already said. Any kind of fat diet, like optedia like. I was just talking about that's. A fat diet. Keto imminent. Fasting. The carnivore diet, whole 30, Paleo Atkins, verbalized meta fast. Opti fast. What am I missing? I'm sure there's a bajillion others. Oh, I don't know. Those are the main ones I'm thinking of right now. Not vegetarian. My God, it's like the carnivore diet's worst nightmare. My favorite diet. If I were to participate in one, that's when I choose same. Is it like just fruit. I don't know much about it, actually. That's all it is. That's insane. Yeah, that's all you eat. My blood sugar would just be like, I would not be okay. Roller coaster never feel full. No, I would be hungry. We'd be hungry all the time. Yes. But the good news is it's probably like unlimited fruit. So you just get to eat fruit. That would suck though. Yeah. Okay. Don't do a bad diet. Yeah, you already knew that though. Yeah. Next point to make is the weight loss goal is too big. We want to focus specifically on making more smart goals. I don't think we've ever gone over smart goals, but we will go over later. Essentially, it's this format of how to set the goal to make it much more likely for you to succeed. Yeah. Weight loss just say I'm going to lose weight or I'm going to lose £30 next month is too vague. We need to implement some other specifics with that. Yeah, we'll explain that one a lot more in a second. Because it's also going to be a reason why you shouldn't make weight loss resolution. Because just having a resolution of weight loss is not a smart goal at all. Explain that more in the next section. Yes, but before we get to that, another reason why resolutions of weight loss often fail is people have this all or nothing mindset around it. So they either are 100% in it, they're going to lose weight, they're going to do all the things, or the minute they have any kind of setback, they have the whole attitude of screw this, I don't even care, I'm going to eat whatever I want where we obviously want to be like right in the middle somewhere. Because both of those extremes are not helpful at all. We want it to be where if you do have any kind of setback, like extra added stress, work gets crazy. I don't know, you have a baby or something. Those can kind of stand in your way of reaching your goals like you normally have been. But if you are in a mindset of just consistency over perfection, that setback is not going to play that big of a role because you have already mastered the behaviors to continue to make sure that you continue to reach your health goals. Yes, I feel like applies a lot of people, not even with New Year's, but just general goals. The whole guide starts on Monday where it gets to the weekend and then you slip up and then it feels like all the progress is gone, which all the progress is not gone if you just miss one day or one meal even. Exactly. It doesn't need to be that extreme. Exactly. Next point in why weight loss goals typically fail is the lack of support. Having a good support system is not only essential for general health goals, but also general life goals. So having a good support system, specifically, like friends or family that will check in with you. They can help you with accountability. They can also just provide you with emotional support. That's a huge component of a huge component. Overall, I really struggled. My brain really stopped working. I was like, what? But that being said, now I lost my trait of thought. Your brand is still suffering. Yes. But essentially having a good support system, especially. Oh, I know what I'm saying. I know what I'm saying. Especially when things get very tough and you feel like you want to quit, that's when having that support system is even more beneficial to you. And also, if you're working with a dietitian and health loss goals, they will also act as a support system, too. So wherever you seek support, that is up to you. But making sure you at least have some type of support system implemented. Yeah. I always tell my clients that they likely know a lot of what I'm going to tell them. It's the support that I'm going to be offering. Like, you know, we have to eat more veggies, we got to get plenty of protein. We got to eat every few hours. We got to move our body more. Like, everyone knows those things. It's just a matter of how we're going to accomplish them. And that's what an Rd can specifically help you with. Yes. Okay. Our last reason why weight loss resolutions often fail is that you are just so focused on the number on the scale. And as we've discussed before in previous episodes, that's not going to benefit you because truth is, you don't have that much control over the number on the scale. It is dictated by so many different factors. And when you let the number on the scale kind of dictate your behaviors, that's never going to work either. Because if you base your food choices off of the scale, then you're really building a lot of mistrust with your body. So we really want to, again, focus on behavior changes. And also the focus on the number on the scale can just lead to like that, Yoyo, weight cycling goes up and down, up and down, because you're either, again, all or nothing. And this can also lead to a preoccupation with your body image, which is no good for your mental health. I don't think setting a weight loss goal in general is going to be helpful. We'll go over how to set a more smart weight loss goal. But I'd say if you can don't even set a goal of weight loss at all, because again, you don't have that much control over it anyway. So when you fail, it, quote, unquote, it's going to feel like crap, even though there's a lot of reasons why that happened that are out of your control. Yeah, I only like that you said that it reminded me of making goals that we actually have control of how many vegetables we eat in a day. Whereas if you make a goal that would be like, for example, I'm thinking of this on the spot, so hopefully my imagination really helps me out at a job. If you made a goal there and you made a goal, I'm making up a very arbitrary job right now. I don't know what anyone else does work. I only know what dietitians do. For example, if you tried to make sales, that's easy. If you tried to make five more sales a day, I don't know how it actually works. But you made a goal of actively being more intentional about your sales, being more charismatic, trying to set that type of goal, something you have more control setting up goals, yet a promotion is not something we necessarily have control of, like getting more scales sales. Making more sales potentially could lead to a promotion of some type, but we don't necessarily have as much control over that promotion as we do the actual act of sales. So it's kind of like similar thing with weight, where we can control things around potentially leading to that. But the actual number on the scale is something we do not have direct control. That's a really good analogy. That was good. I really pulled that out of whatever brand your imagination is like in your favor today. It is. I was thinking yours is better, but I was thinking along the lines of, like, you can focus on setting a goal for yourself to make like five sales extra per month or whatever. But it would be unrealistic to set a goal of like, I want the company to grow by like six figures or whatever this year because it's out of your control. You don't have the control to make that happen as much as you might think you do. Right. You think you have the control to lose £30 by February. But truth is, you really don't have that control because your body is going to do everything it can to make sure that doesn't happen. Because that is a very drastic weight loss that would occur. Yes. Okay, enough analogies. I got someone Besides us. Yeah. So the next section we're going to focus on is why you should not make weight loss resolution. Your resolution. And we've kind of touched a lot about this. First section is more so why they fail. But now this is specifically why we do not. We should take you some of my ideas are there. Words are not there. You got all the right ones out. It's just the order was incorrect. So we are going to tell you why you should probably not make a weight loss goal. Yes. Your resolution. First point is, I've always been sick. We'll cut her some flat. My brain is being utilized to try to heal right now, not to make any podcast content.
Participant #1:
But first thing to know is if you have weight loss goals, there isn't really any benefit to waiting to start at an arbitrary date. You could just start making those changes now, like January 1, a new academic year regarding everything else. Nothing else is really going on like calls for a change of action, then we actually go a lot into realistic dietitian approved weight loss advice in episode 29. So if this is something you still would like to see through, go check out that episode because we give you actually realistic advice and what will actually lead to long term maintenance of weight loss rather than a quick fix. But going back to the arbitrary date, you should. Or we recommend picking a few changes to just start now instead of planning your entire life to change on January 1. Resolutions are fun. I will admit resolutions are very fun because it's almost like a cultural thing where everyone's like, we're going to get our lives together now. Making very large and drastic changes is not realistic, especially at that one point. And that is why people tend to not be able to complete their resolution after a month or two. No, Hannah knows this. Everyone goes to the gym for the first month or two and then by March, March potentially spring break is coming up. So maybe they'll show up again. February, it dies out. Yes. And then it picks up again. And then we have the post spring break fall and then it's pre summer and then post summer from January 1. Yeah. Just make small changes now. You don't have to wait till that time. And you also don't have to set huge goals. A couple of small ones. Exactly. Like if it is exercise you want to do and you want to start that now. Set a goal of like once a week. Like go to the gym once a week for now and then see how that grows by January 1. You guys probably aren't hearing this until close to that. But I'll just teleport that thought into your brain, I guess. So you can hear it now in November. But yeah, it's just a day. It's not even on a Monday this year. So what's the point? Like just start now. Yeah. Okay, let's get more into that Smart goal thing. So again, another reason why you shouldn't make weight loss of resolution is having the goal of just lose weight is not a Smart goal. And Smart is actually an acronym and it stands for Specific Measurable Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound. So we want to set goals that meet all of those criteria, even if you had a certain number, which I don't recommend because you don't have much control over it. But a better goal, which isn't best, I guess we can kind of rank them like worst, better, best. A better goal might be like I want to lose £2 every week until February, so that one is more specific. It's measurable. You can keep track of it. It may not be attainable. That one's up to the individual. It's relevant to what you're shooting for, and it's timebound. Like, you have an end date, a beginning day, and guidelines in between. So while it isn't the best goal, because, again, setting a weight loss goal in general is not always beneficial. It is a little bit better than just lose weight. Yeah, not really on my shot. That was a good example. Another really popular, like, not so smart, which by smart I mean like the acronym Smart resolution is I'm going to get healthy in 2022. Again, there's no way to measure that. There's no time frame with that. It may or may not be relevant to your life. It needs to be more specific. Like, I'm going to go to the gym one time per week for three weeks and then reassess and make a new goal. So, yeah, lose weight, get healthy. I can't think of another, like, really vague one, but those are two examples of not smart goals. Maybe like get fit. Oh, yeah, it's a big one. Eat healthy, eat less, eat less. Or like people say, like nitric alcohol. Yeah, that's a big one, too. Yeah, they're just very vague. You got to add those parameters. Exactly. Yeah. Cool. And our last reason for why you shouldn't make weight loss your resolution is your weight is likely not the main problem. There can be a lot of underlying things going around this specifically asking yourself, do you eat emotionally, do you have a poor relationship with food? Do you chronically lack sleep? Are you always stressed? And do you not have any type of eating schedule? These are just some of many components that could be influencing your ability to lose weight, but they're also primarily big issues. A lot of people struggle with that should be addressed as well, rather than just losing weight. Exactly. Like, if you have the goal of lose weight, but you're going to continue to eat emotionally or not get enough sleep, you're not going to be able to reach a weight loss goal if you figure out why the weight has been a struggle and figure out how to fix that rather than fixing just the weight itself.
Participant #1:
Okay. For these next ones, Emily, do you kind of, like, want to split it up? Like, you run through the first ones? I'll run through the second ones, yeah. Since we're not really like much to talk about, it's just like alternate ideas. Yeah. So I'll go through the path. So these are going to be more health promoting resolutions that might lead to weight loss, but they're following more of that Smart goal structure guideline. And we'll be much more realistic because we are all about realistic goals here. So the first one is eating protein, fiber and or a healthy snack at each meal or snack time. You could also set a goal to eat every three to 4 hours, setting a goal to find exercise that you actually enjoy and want to do rather than forcing yourself to do it because you have to feel like you have to. You could also set a goal to meal plan a bit more. So planning out maybe three or more dinners each week, just trying to be a bit more intentional about that. Another great goal is trying a new recipe each week. This is not only fun because it can find more variety in your life, but also help you get back into with those cooking skills and see what you can challenge yourself to make. I'll do two more. Next one is eating breakfast daily. This is a huge goal I work on with everyone being very intentional about just not skipping that breakfast. And then the last goal you can work on I'm going to talk about is aiming to sleep seven to 9 hours per night. Yeah, all things you guys have already heard us say. But we're going to hit the nail in the head again. I'm blown away by the amount of people that don't eat breakfast like every day. I probably have at least three, four of my patients say they don't eat breakfast. Yeah, I feel like it's a combination of intermittent fasting it's true. And timeliness of just being very busy. That too. And just maybe not knowing. Like a lot of them are like I know I should, but what do I even eat? What's the right food to eat? That's true because it's often advertised like pop parts are breakfast, cereal is breakfast, most things are fine. You guys know we preach all foods, but I ideally want to get protein at that meal too. But anyway, yeah, I have to have breakfast so I am like not going to be able to operate. A few other helps Moting resolutions that may or may not lead to weight loss would be managing your stress. Like you've already kind of mentioned ditching the fat diets. No more of those starting the day with water or just in general drinking more water. Like an outskol. What you want to shoot for improving your relationship with food, packing your lunch for work or school. Or maybe your goal is to work with a dietitian and they could help us literally all of those things if you're not quite sure how to achieve them. Yeah, all things. All fun things. And of course we wanted to also provide you with resolutions that are not weight loss related because you do not need to lose weight, as Hannah mentioned, like you do prefer actually you don't. But yeah, we wanted to provide you with some non weight loss goals that you can focus on just because you don't have to. There are other things you can focus on and work on in life and add that to a resolution. So first one I like is read X number of new books. You can put a timeline on that if you'd like. But you can also just make a general go by the next year. Like, I'm going to read this many books. Yeah. Another goal that I should probably implement is setting a new bedtime routine to get better about winding down and relaxing and also help regulate your sleep schedule. Additionally creating a morning routine. On the opposite side of the spectrum, bedroom morning routine, I feel like, are one of the number one indicators of how successful a person will be. Yeah. Because I feel like that's such a huge period to start the day and then also wind down and really reset and everything under control. So you're not just frantically either rushing to get out the door and out of bed, or you're doing work until five minutes before you go to bed. Yeah, exactly. I've made that a priority since graduating College to have both of those. It's not always perfect, but I really do try to stick to that as well as I can. Yeah. And then another resolution you can implement is journaling four times every morning. This is really good for stress management. It's also really good if you ever need to vent or read about something and you can just kind of write it out. Or you could also join about what your plans are for the day. It's really up to you what you make, the intentions of your journaling. But it's good to have that self reflection period. That's why I like to do it. I wake up and I know what I have to do for the day, and it's kind of overwhelming. And so writing it down, having a list of exactly what to do, and then I get to cross off the things that I do, then that really helps. And I'm very much a morning person. And so my brain is, like, in tip top shape when I first get up. And so all of my ideas, like, business wise, just like all that kind of stuff comes to me in the morning. And if I don't write it down, I'll just forget it by 200. So I like that goal as well for that reason. A couple of others, this one also kind of relates to that morning routine. But perhaps a goal you set for yourself is to not use social media for, say, like, 30 minutes after you wake up. I'm trying to do that one, too. That one is really hard because it's so natural to just flip over in my bed, grab my phone off its charger and look for notifications. Yeah. But then that can really impact just your headspace for the day. I don't know. It's hard to explain, but I don't think that's really good for your mindset at all. Even like, if you follow only positive accounts and that kind of stuff. Just like the comparison that can come from all of that free time in general. Yeah. It's just every time to wake up rather than just scream in your face. Exactly. In my dream. First of all, I would never use social media in my dream life. It wasn't part of my job, like this small business that we have that we're growing. I would not be on social media at all. Same. That's why I don't eat everything personal. I just post like business stuff. I can't mentally handle all that. I also would only wake up when the sun wakes me up and I would go to bed when the sun goes to bed. Well, yeah, I guess it changed a little bit in the winter, but in the summer I would. Yeah. I would also live in the mountains, have like 18 dogs. I would just travel, need food. I definitely have chickens and fresh eggs and stuff. I would just love that. I hope we listen to this in like ten years and we both are just living our best life. Social media off. All media people have these podcasts like refer to. We'll just make like every topic possible and then just like stop. So you guys can just keep listening over and over again. Any potential question you have already answered it. We'll answered every question related to nutrition. Anything past, present and future. Yeah, we'll have to cover. So then we can just hang out in nature and not be anywhere present. Just Bobby and Ross and each other. That's all we'll talk to. Yes. And our families, I guess. Yeah. Okay. A couple more before I get to Sidetrack creating a cleaning schedule. I like this idea. I might say that as my own resolution, actually. Not that I like live in Phils, but I just have no set of routine or structure when it comes to cleaning. You guys all know I turn this mic and there's just like piles of trash behind me. Kidding me. I've known you for so long that I've never thought,
Participant #1:
yeah, I'm not a dirty person, I don't think. Anyway, okay. I keep getting sidetracked. We literally have two bullet points left. Always do. This next one is all about mindset work. So maybe if you have a hard time with negative thoughts, perhaps it would help to say something positive to yourself every time you have a negative thought. So if it's like, I look so fat in these pants, maybe it's like, no, these legs help me squat £400 or whatever. It's like whenever you have a negative thought, how can you turn that more into a positive thought? Because it's only going to be good for your mindset. Yeah. And last one I know, Emily touched on in the previous episode. I forget which one. I don't remember. This is my toxic resolution. Some people have weight loss. Mine is flossing. It's so hard I realized I don't set an end goal for my flossing. And that's why I have issues. My goals are always don't have a cavity by the next appointment. My dentist appointment not very successful. I mean, do you like the little Flossy sticks versus the string? Either way, the worst teeth in existence where they're huge and I have a tiny mouth. I have to use the, like, manual. Can't use the auto pilot. Autopilot. What about those water fosters? Have you ever tried those? My mom has given me hers. She got like, two. I have the transport one, it's just smaller. It's just a smaller version of it. And I get really annoyed filling it up with water. Come on. When I floss, it's like a ten minute experience. Oh, my God. It has to be glistening clean. Oh, my God. So when I floss with water, I'm doing one tooth for like a minute, and then it runs out of water really quickly. Right. Because we have, like, how many feet? Oh, my gosh. I think what my goal will be is I need to set a period of, like, I need to fly every other day by this date. That's what I thought. Yeah, I'll probably be my goal. You guys already know. Or even, like, if you have a better bedtime routine, that can be part of it. Like, you could set aside, like, 1015 minutes that, you know, our flossing time. Yeah, 15 minutes to floss. I am the worst. I don't know what it is, but it takes me so long. Yeah, I could see that. I don't like it either when I'm doing it. And I noticed that I could be better. Oh, yeah. I'm not perfect. I can't judge. I hate clothing, but I don't have a super tight teeth. Thankfully, I actually have some big gaps in between, which helps. So it's not the end of the world. I have already really bad gums because of genetics. And then my teeth are also very tight and my roots are super deep. So I'm just cavity prone and it kind of makes me upset. If any dentist I listen. I don't know if we have any dentists in our audience. My complaint is whenever they do the little sticky thing that does the beep, I don't know what it's like telling you, checking for cavities. I never have cavities then, but whenever they do X rays, they find these tiny little cavities between my teeth. My cavities are between my teeth. They're never, like, somewhere else. It's partially because they don't floss. They asked me last time if I drink a lot of fruit juice. I'm like, I only drink water. I'm a dietitian ma'am. Yeah, I can promise you it's not dietary. I don't floss enough, and then I just have terrible teeth. Yeah, I used to cry after cavities because I was so mad at myself for having a cavity. And now I'm just going in hoping for less than one or maybe only one. That sucks. How do they fill the side ones the same way? I have no idea, but it is awful. They once put something that encased a bunch of my teeth and it was metal and held them in place. My most recent one, they were both on the bottom and they were on either side of two teeth that were right next to each other. Awful experience. I almost threw up. I also have a bad gaggery place. Oral health is just not my thing. Yeah. I don't know what they do, but it's awful. And I get teary eyed and I always feel like I'm going to throw up. I know. And it's a lot of money. Yes, kind of. Similarly, I had a cavity when I was a kid that they filled a long time ago, but then it started to come out somehow. And so the tooth had a giant hole in it. It just might somehow. I don't know how I had to get an onlay. Have you heard of those before? I've never heard of that. They basically put like, a fake tooth in and out. Like, I could show you if you were here. I could probably show you what you'll tell. It looks like this tooth right here is like, not a real tooth full thing. The bottom part is the real tooth. And they replaced the top part of it, so they unlaid it. I feel like that would hurt. Okay, so when they were doing it, they had the dentist and then his assistant on both sides of my face. My mouth was open for probably 4 hours, and they have both hands. Like, there were four hands in my teeth for the whole day. And they had to give me the numbing, like, the local anesthesia probably six times because I was there for so long. And I apparently have a super tolerance to it because the first time they started doing work on it, I felt everything. It was terrible. But they also had to give me this numbing stuff, like the back of my for something. Yes, they do in the back of your throat. And then I swallowed it. I swallowed it on the accident. And so my throat was numb and I couldn't breathe. And so I was alone while they were making the tooth. I was just sitting in the chair hanging out on my phone or whatever, and I started gagging and coughing, and three hygienists came back every 2 seconds. Are you okay, Ma'am? Are you okay, ma'am? I was like, yeah, I'm fine. My throat is closing because that's stupid shit you gave me, that's actually terrifying that your throat was, you know, I lost, like, all senses of any control there. And to make it worse to this day, this was last Christmas, actually. So about a year ago, they did this. I still can't chew on the side of my mouth, and it's super sensitive to cold, so I can't get anything cold or hot over there. So all that work, and I still can't even use the side of my mouth. I only chewed on my right side for the last year. That is not good for TMJ. I'm also a victim of TMJ. That's what they told me that you had. Well, that's because of my anxiety. I grind my teeth. I also have we're just talking about oral health. I have a heater, I have water floss. I have a mouth guard because I grind so badly and I can feel like my jaw will get stuck sometimes when I'm chewing or it'll snap back and it's very painful. And I was told I need to chew more on this side. And I just hate chewing on this side because of the pain. Fun fact. Mouse cords are super thick for a reason. You can't grind through them. And I used to not be able to sleep with mine because it was so thick. And I was like, I guess I have evolutionized. That's not the right word. I've evolved. Now I can't sleep with it where I don't wake up gasping for breath. I'm sorry, couldn't. I don't have a good relationship. I was actually talking to one of my patients about this. I do not have a good relationship with dentist just because they always tell me I need a sponsor. I'm like, I know I do. It's not as simple as that. Yeah. It's just like if we tell a patient you need to eat less, that's not helpful at all. No. I'm like, is there an app that will tell me to floss? Actually more idea. There should be. Yeah. I feel like there is. But it's probably to pay for so many things these days. Probably poor. Maybe just like, something alarm on your phone, I guess. Yeah. Then another thing is I go to bed at a different time every single night. I think it does. Setting a routine. That would be your best bet. Yeah. I like how we're just talking through how I'm going to resolve my life next year. I know. 2022. I'm going to be in control of my oral health. Yeah. That's another thing. That partially one of my biggest motivations to be Hind, taking care of that is I don't want to lose my teeth because then I can't eat that's. Like, I have fears. I have dreams all the time about losing teeth. Oh, no. And it's awful. In my dream, I'll eat something and then the teeth will come. Oh, my God, I always wake up. I just check my mouth to make sure I'm sad, but so funny. It's keeping me in check. But I guess not enough that I'm actually motivated to lost. Oh, no, that'd be scary. Imagine you're eating. And one of my recurring dreams is I'm eating cereal and it falls into it. And then do you eat it again? I just see it on the spoon. I'm like, I don't think I have any reoccurring dreams, but I don't think we should get down the dream. That could be a whole episode I could share. So many of my recurring I love dreams. Let's do an episode on that. I love dreams. Save that'll be just us sharing because I have recurring dreams and then reoccurring nightmares. I don't really have nightmares either. I don't think I had nightmares growing up, so I think that I'm a problematic child. Oh, my gosh. Anyway, I think we should wrap this up. We should get to the bonus questions for probably ten minutes anyway. Okay, today's bonus question I feel very strongly about, and I'm excited to hear your thoughts. But the question is, is ketchup a smoothie? Okay, this is tricky. Well, I guess not, because a smoothie can be either a fruit or vegetable. We have to decipher first. If a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, which is a fruit. Right. Is that what Stance used to make on that? I think it's fruit, but technically at work, it's categorized as a non starchy vegetable. I mean, yeah, that's what I always say, too. I wouldn't count it towards your fruit servings for the day. Right. It doesn't really matter, I guess, because a smoothie can be made of fruits and veggies, obviously. Okay, well, as always, we have these definition ones. I Googled smoothie definition, and Wikipedia says that a smoothie is a drink made by pureeing fruit and vegetables and a blender. A smoothie often has a liquid base such as fruit juice, dairy products such as milk, yogurt, ice cream or cottage cheese. Yes. Liquid base, such as fruit juice or like, dairy products. Okay, but what is ketchup made up with? Just tomatoes? Like kind of much together with some sugar. Let's look up the ingredients. Let's do Hinds. That's the classic. Okay. Ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar. There's your liquid. Green sugar, salt, onion powder, spice, whatever. Spices and natural flavor, then. Yeah, I definitely say it's a smoothie. It's just like a fruit or vegetable. A liquid and just some flavorings to make it taste different. Yeah, it's a smoothie. Final answer. Yeah, that was my answer, too. A fruit mixed with liquids or vegetable, whichever side of the tomato debate you're on. So next time you go to a smoothie shop, ask if they have ketchup
Participant #1:
choice is yours. They're going to be like, what? This is not? But then refer them to episode 36 of the dietitians podcast they said you had. Okay. That would be disgusting, though. Well, you can think about. Yeah. Make sure you tell them to skip past the whole dental health part. That goes on for a little bit too long. Just go to minute 40. That's when the smoothie thing starts. But yeah, I was talking about if you drink ketchup isn't smooth. Imagine the straw, my cup right here, just full of ketchup with my like, imagine if I showed up one day and I had a couple ketchup. I was like, am I smoothie? That would be so sweet. I was going to say, yeah, it tastes terrible, but I think I would assume if I saw you, like, drinking that I think I would assume it was like a super oddly red colored, like, strawberry smoothie until you said, this is a ketchup
Participant #1:
conversation. Yeah. And you watch me try to drink and it's like, sick. But smoothies can be all thicknesses. So that's your argument, which I know isn't your argument, but anyone listening. That's not in a valid argument, because smoothies can be like really thin scoopable, kind of thick ketchup smoothie ball. That could be good, though, if you did, like, little like, fries sliders, but like, the base is ketchup. You would need to put a lot of toppings. If you have like two gallons of fries, it'd be good. I'm going to get one of my coconut bowls, my fancy bowls, and just fill out ketchup. And I'll have my fries. What if you put, like, chicken Nuggets? What else? You definitely just ketchup with a lot. I'm thinking of your burger, but you normally just put it straight on the burger and you don't dip it. Yeah, well, ketchup. Go on. It could be anything else you put ketchup on. I don't know. People put ketchup on everything. I like it. There's already tomato sauce on pizza. Why don't you do that? Oh, yeah. That's stupid. On this Google search, it says, Why is catch it bad for you? Because, of course, everything. I opened it up. I should not have done this. Here we go. It's a made ingredient. And tomato ketchup is high fructose corn syrup, which is extremely unhealthy and toxic. If it was toxic, we'd be dead. We wouldn't be eating ketchup in the quantities we do if it was actually toxic or any hydrogen syrup, which is in a ton of things that we eat. I've even compared to kind of see the difference between the low sugar ketchup and the regular ketchup. It's like barely a difference in terms of the calories and sugar. Don't spend an extra $2 on your ketchup just to get the low sugar one. It's going to be the probably not eating like, you're not eating. You're not eating smoothie bowls of it. It's going to cause a difference. No, you're eating two tablespoons, probably getting like five total grams of sugar. With that the fear mongering. I know. They will change today's episode to catch us as toxic. Tune in to find out what. Clickbait. It's actually about weight loss and dental health. We could do, like, if you eat too much ketchup, you'll get cavities and here's what you can do to fix it. That would trigger me. I'd be like, no, just help me out to catch up. Yeah, well, once again, we completely derailed this episode. We hope you guys learned something. I hope you enjoyed something out of today. Yes. We hope you choose either different health related resolution goal or you choose a different goal in general for life. Or if you do want to stick to weight loss. Check in on episode 29 for actual realistic changes that you can make. Yeah. And make those changes now so you don't have to wait until January 1. Yeah, you can literally do it today. It's probably going to include just like eating dinner tonight, which you can do. And eating breakfast. Yeah, tomorrow. Well, kind of. When you guys listen, if you're listening at like two in the morning, then get some breakfast in the next few hours at two in the morning. If anyone's going to do that, it would be me. I'm always awake at random hours in the morning. I'm going to listen to this podcast. My own podcast. I don't play back our own podcast. I don't either. That just leaves me out. I already have to hear it all the way through when we edit, so that's enough for me. Oh yeah. We hope you guys don't have the same cringe reaction that we do to our podcast. Yeah, we're a little gross. I hope not.
Participant #1:
I've been really good at marketing. I'm going to switch careers from being a digital into marketing. Yes. Yeah. You like this podcast. It's disgusting. Okay, we got to wrap this baby up. Yes. Okay, guys, we hope you have a good little break. We will see you back on January 26. Well, that was a hard word to say. 26th. So in the meantime, listen back to some old episodes, scroll through our TikTok. Maybe go follow us on Instagram. Go find something to kill the time, but make sure it's with us somehow. Yeah, go check out our merch or if you want, you can just DM us and send us ideas for future episode ideas because we have a decent amount, but we always love hearing actually what you want to hear. Right. Stuff you guys don't like. Yeah, I was going to make a comment about him to leave. Or do we? Because apparently I think our podcast is trash. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next week. Yeah, we'll see you soon.
Participant #1: